人之初,性本善。性相近,習相遠。 苟不教,性乃遷。教之道,貴以專。 人之初 Rén zhī chū 性本善 xìng běnshàn 性相近 Xìng xiāngjìn 习相远 xíxiāngyuǎn 苟不教 Gǒu bú jiào 性乃迁 xìng nǎi qiān 教之道 Jiàozhī dào 贵以专 guì yǐ zhuān < English Translation> All men are born naturally good, but they become different in their characteristics and habits as they grow up due to the different education they receive and the environment they inhabit. Therefore, parents require their children to start education at an early age in order to avoid deterioration of such good nature. The key to successful teaching lies in helping children develop the habit of being thorough and concentrated while studying. Teaching itself requires thoroughness and concentration as well. We all should, therefore, develop such habits. < Explanation in simplified> 人生下来时,本性都一样善良,只是因为后天教育和成长环境影响,差异越来越大。 所以,父母让小孩及早接受良好的教育,是为了不让他善良的本性发生改变。 而教育的方法关键在于让孩子学会专心致志地去做好每件事情。 教育本身也是一个一心一意的过程。所以我们要养成专心学习,坚持不懈的好习惯。 < Explanation in traditaional> 人生下來時,本性都一樣善良,只是因為後天教育和成長環境影響,差異越來越大。 所以,父母讓小孩及早接受良好的教育,是為了不讓他善良的本性發生改變。 而教育的方法關鍵在於讓孩子學會專心致志地去做好每件事情。 教育本身也是一個一心一意的過程。所以我們要養成專心學習、堅持不懈的好習慣。 ------------------------------------------------------- It would be a big help if you kindly support my channel with a cup of coffee 欢迎买杯咖杯赞助我的频道,你的小小支持是我的大大帮助 ☕ https://open.firstory.me/join/taiwanaccent