We open with Dr. Hans House, who schools us on infectious diseases, especially some little-known facets of ebola, measles and the flu. He shares some knowledge on public health efforts and how we can all do our part to reduce disease vectors and save lives. Then we chat with Kenny Biddle about his recent investigations into diploma mills and paranormal credential fakery. Ben shares a personal experience, which goes down some unexpected paths as he tells us the surprising discoveries he made whil...
Sep 20, 2019•2 hr 44 min•Ep 101•Transcript available on Metacast It's our 100th episode! We begin with a discussion of "Alienstock," the planned alien-themed music festival being imposed upon Rachel, NV, in the coming weeks. Then for our main topic we look at numerology and the mystical-seeming quality of numbers from a few different angles involving Pythagoras, power chords, and ocean waves, as well as the arbitrary decoder-ring version of fortune-telling that is numerology today and how it can be applied to everything from client names to historical dates t...
Sep 05, 2019•1 hr 24 min•Ep 100•Transcript available on Metacast This episode is a deep dive into some popular movies of the past few decades and their associated curses . . . some that are due to genuinely tragic or strangely coincidental circumstances, others that have been a bit cultivated by those wishing to market the movie or just tell a good yarn years after its release. Filmmaker and friend of the show Erik Kristopher Myers joins Ben and Celestia to look at several horror films and a couple of superhero movies that have been rumored to have curses att...
Aug 23, 2019•2 hr 30 min•Ep 99•Transcript available on Metacast This started off as a little bonus mini-episode (in between episodes 98 and 99) where we have a little roundtable about some frustrating patterns of thought we have spotted on social media and other types of public discourse; some have actual fallacy names, some don't necessarily have a label. Lo and behold, once we got chatting it turned into a regular length episode. Just a bit less formal. Hope you enjoy.
Aug 19, 2019•1 hr 12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ben and special guest Matt Crowley reminisce about their first encounter, at a Bigfoot conference in Idaho about a dozen years ago. We look at some cultural aspects of Bigfootery, and Matt walks us through his "I can't unsee this" moment involving the Skookum cast, which has been touted as the best piece of Bigfoot evidence since the Patterson-Gimlin film.
Aug 09, 2019•1 hr 21 min•Ep 98•Transcript available on Metacast This episode is a walk-through of Ben's investigation into the facts, theories, and folklore of a mysterious burial vault on Barbados. Due to strange natural phenomenon, ghosts, or a curse, the dead are said to not be able to rest within its walls. In the 1800s, stories emerged of the vaults contents being strewn about, inexplicably, while it was sealed. There's a lot to unpack, and Ben takes us through explanations, supposed eye-witness accounts, and folkloric roots.
Jul 26, 2019•1 hr 16 min•Ep 97•Transcript available on Metacast Richard Saunders of The Skeptic Zone joins us to discuss organ theft tales! The notion of waking up one day without a few organs, the biological equivalent of being pick-pocketed, has been a pernicious and persistent rumor. In the 1990s, the idea of waking up in a bathtub full of ice with an ominous note did not seem so far-fetched, and notions of rich Westerners kidnapping children from developing countries to harvest them for spare parts fuels fear and hatred to this day. Ben brings his folklo...
Jul 19, 2019•1 hr 10 min•Ep 96•Transcript available on Metacast Ben and Celestia are joined by the SciBabe, Yvette d'Entremont, to discuss the scourge of MLMs (Multilevel Marketing) companies. These organizations, some of the bordering on pyramid schemes, have a long and storied history in America. Many target women, often seeming like a good option to stay-at-home mothers eager for income and independence. But the math doesn't tell such an optimistic story, nor does the trail of shamed failed distributors, online rants, and FTC prosecutions.
Jun 27, 2019•2 hr 30 min•Ep 95•Transcript available on Metacast We begin with Ben's breakdown of the just-released documents that show FBI involvement with Bigfoot. Then Celestia examines an "uncanny" drawing of a child that didn't exist yet. Our main topic is a deep dive into Ben's real-time analysis of psychic predictions about the Holly Bobo murder. An assortment of predictions followed predictable social scripts and serve as a good example of the vast stream-of-consciousness non-information generated whenever a widely publicized crime is unsolved....
Jun 13, 2019•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast We have several short topics this week, starting with a few news items of interest. Pascual brings us a reasoned look at 5G network coverage and how it will (and won't) impact us once mobile carriers switch over. Ben looks at one of the few "scientific" reviews of ghost EVP, and what could have improved the quality of the study. Then Celestia talks about cat folklore and a mishmosh of cat-related woo that's been peddled by well-meaning shelters who want to help get cats adopted. To round up our ...
May 31, 2019•2 hr 37 min•Ep 93•Transcript available on Metacast This episode is an on-the-road recording, with the welcome addition of an old friend. We discuss a favorite topic of Ben's, fabled creatures we Westerners know as genies and many Muslim believers call djinn. Are the original djinn really lamp-dwelling, wish-granting, half-smoke floating torsos with wicked senses of humor? Maybe a little. From parallels to demons to Aladdin to modern off-color jokes, we sample the folklore from roots to stem and hear Ben's personal experiences with those who have...
May 17, 2019•50 min•Ep 92•Transcript available on Metacast This week we look at a few things going on, from Ben's recent jaunt to Puerto Rico to a new Conjuring movie to beards vs. dogs to chocolate milk and brown cows. Then we dig into our main topic, the so-called science behind the online matchmaking giant eHarmony. Some years ago Ben went through a bit of trouble to learn what he could about the science-backed effectiveness touted by the company. And from the looks of things, not much has changed since his initial queries, but we can examine the cas...
May 03, 2019•1 hr 18 min•Ep 91•Transcript available on Metacast First Ben and Celestia talk about a disturbing modern case of false abduction rumors. Then we get into doppelgangers, a topic with (not surprisingly) multiple angles. What are the odds of randomly finding someone who looks remarkably like you, and what sort of factors increase those odds? Then we look into the darker side of doppelgangers, the harbingers of doom or even a malevolent entity bent on stealing your identity. From Percy Shelley to Jordan Peele, storytellers seem fascinated with these...
Apr 19, 2019•1 hr 23 min•Ep 90•Transcript available on Metacast First Ben and Celestia look at a couple concoctions that have their skeptical senses buzzing this week. Then we pick three personality assessment tests from psychology's past and present, doing a deep dive into their origins, what drove their popularity, and consumer's reluctance to give them up even after serious flaws emerged. Looking at phrenology, the Rorschach test, and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a fascinating tour of how consumerism can leapfrog skepticism when it comes to a topic ...
Apr 05, 2019•1 hr 26 min•Ep 89•Transcript available on Metacast We take a long walk through a dozen or so arguments put forth by cryptid advocates, and see which ones (if any) make reasonable points. If you want a primer on how squatchers and lake-monster-hunters think, this is the episode. But beyond that, these ideas can be a jumping point into many other realms where skepticism should be applied, as we look at how eye-witness reliability, false dichotomies, cherry-picking, and other logic traps come into play. Special guests Sharon Hill and Erik Kristophe...
Mar 21, 2019•2 hr 42 min•Ep 88•Transcript available on Metacast This week we take a quick look at the Momo challenge's resurgence and surprisingly mainstream fall; then for our main segment we dive back into the strange, sketchy world of Ed & Lorraine Warren. These opportunistic and not-exactly-truthful storytellers are a big reason the modern horror genre looks the way it does. Erik Kristopher Myers joins us once more to go through some of their biggest "cases": The Demon Murder Case, Amityville, and the hauntings behind the more recent Conjuring movies. We...
Mar 08, 2019•2 hr 47 min•Ep 87•Transcript available on Metacast First we chat with Susan Gerbic about the recent buzz surrounding her soon-to-be published expose in the New York Times Magazine, describing the undercover stings she and Mark Edwards have pulled on several prominent psychics, cleverly showing their use of social media in hot readings. Then for our main topic we are joined by filmmaker Erik Kristopher Myers to discuss those original gangsters of ghosthunting, Ed and Lorraine Warren. In this first part (1 of 2), we talk about several of their pro...
Feb 28, 2019•2 hr 31 min•Ep 86•Transcript available on Metacast This week we start with a discussion of assumptions, as Ben brings two outrage-provoking news stories that turned out to not be what was originally assumed. Then we slide through many variations of oily miraculous substances, some folkloric and some that are available from your local PTA mom: the original old-timey snake oil, early modern Europe's witch ointment, and then, more recently, essential oils, Lorenzo's oil, and CBD oil. What's the lure behind easy, supposed panaceas in the form of som...
Feb 15, 2019•1 hr 26 min•Ep 85•Transcript available on Metacast This week Ben and Celestia start by looking at a Newsweek headline that's been circulating again recently, implying that one-third of Americans doubt the death toll of the Holocaust. Then we devote our main segment to an important essay that has become both style guide and etiquette manual to skeptical writers and critics. Ray Hyman, one of the original founders of CSICOP, outlined eight principles to follow when engaging in "proper criticism" of paranormal claims. "Hyman's Proper Criticism," as...
Feb 01, 2019•1 hr 26 min•Ep 84•Transcript available on Metacast First, Ben brings us an interesting dustup from the BFRO involving some paranormal researcher snubbing. Then we do a deep, murky, cold-water dive into Ogopogo. This mysterious Canadian lake monster has a few incarnations, including a bloodthirsty one that demands sacrifices! We hear about Ben's hunt for the creature at Lake Okanagan, courtesy of National Geographic. Spoiler alert: he didn't find any monsters, but we learn about all the evidence and how to decipher it.
Jan 21, 2019•1 hr 27 min•Ep 83•Transcript available on Metacast Ben, Celestia, and Pascual take a romp through a bunch of 2018's more memorable skeptical moments. From a new iteration of the Mechanical Turk to deadly rumors in India to a resurgence of Geocentrism, there's plenty to go around. We go over some of the more notable passings, and Ben lists some of his favorite episodes from the past year.
Jan 04, 2019•1 hr 4 min•Ep 82•Transcript available on Metacast This episode deals with various aspects of kids and woo . . . First, a look at that jolly old "identified flying object" often seen on Christmas eve, Santa himself. What skeptical benefits might be lurking in the whole Santa charade? Then we examine some harm done by serious, life-threatening woo that well-meaning parents inflict upon their children as part of a family belief system, as well as the lesser forms of uncritical thinking that can seep into a child's mental environment.
Dec 21, 2018•1 hr 4 min•Ep 81•Transcript available on Metacast Pascual is back, and we discuss a free-roaming placenta found in the Canadian woods last week. Then we bring in award-winning filmmaker Erik Kristopher Myers to discuss one of his favorite doom-sayers, Harold Camping. What convinced so many followers that End Times were upon us back in 2011? Erik discusses Camping's similarities to a cult leader as well as his business model, both of which contributed to his surprising reach. Ben entertains us with a few other apocalyptic prophesies from earlier...
Dec 07, 2018•1 hr 16 min•Ep 80•Transcript available on Metacast First, Ben and Celestia discuss an interesting bit of fan base fakery with a surprise guest. Then we are joined by the Skeptic Zone's Richard Saunders for a conversation on Randi's Million Dollar Challenge. A longstanding offer to purported psychics and other claimants to supernatural powers, the JREF prize set the bar as the ultimate dare for purveyors of the paranormal. Now there are dozens of other offers around the world that, like the JREF money, still remain unclaimed. Richard has been on ...
Nov 22, 2018•1 hr 16 min•Ep 79•Transcript available on Metacast Award-winning filmmaker Erik Kristopher Myers joins Ben and Celestia to discuss Bigfoot on film. Starting with a quick analysis of the famous and most influential Bigfoot film, the Patterson-Gimlin footage, we tour the offerings since then, looking both at pop culture and the more serious efforts of a particularly litigious present-day Canadian Squatcher. Various Bigfoot and Yeti have flourished in all genres, popping up in horror films as well as children's entertainment. From the pendulous, ha...
Nov 09, 2018•1 hr 21 min•Ep 78•Transcript available on Metacast Celestia reports back from her hurried day at CSI con, and Ben recounts a news story about a graveyard dowser. Then we look at Halloween subjects: what are the real roots of this holiday, and what exactly is satanic about it? Ben traces the development of "trick or treating" and we find out it's a bit of religious extortion that used to involve turnip torture. Celestia probes the more recent phenomenon of "Hell Houses" put on by conservative evangelicals as a much, much worse alternative to a ha...
Oct 26, 2018•1 hr 15 min•Ep 77•Transcript available on Metacast First, Ben examines some disturbing consequences to child abduction rumors on a popular app in India and Mexico. Then we look at modern plastic surgery oddities and, specifically, the media myth of the Human Barbie, also known as Russian model Valeria Lukyanova. What outrageous things were said about her, and how much of the narrative can be taken as fact? We also compare her to her counterparts, namely the three men who promote themselves as "human Ken dolls."
Oct 12, 2018•1 hr 14 min•Ep 76•Transcript available on Metacast This week Ben and Celestia recount some woo encounters "in the field" that, for a few reasons, they chose not to battle. Then for our main topic we sit down with Mick West, author of the newly released book Escaping the Rabbit Hole: How to Debunk Conspiracy Theories Using Facts, Logic, and Respect. Mick outlines his history in debunking, from chemtrails and Metabunk to the creation of this book, and we go over the different approaches he outlines to help loved ones not fall prey to the lure of c...
Sep 28, 2018•1 hr 11 min•Ep 75•Transcript available on Metacast This week we start with a quick look at a dog-buys-cookies story that took Celestia down a path of searching out pet videos and, finally, reading about whether or not monkeys can be taught to understand currency. Then Ben revisits an investigation he did on the Pokemon Panic, a wave of illness that struck Tokyo children in the 1990s during an episode of the incredibly popular show--a phenomenon that was referenced again this summer as journalists warned of the strobe effects in Incredibles 2. Bu...
Sep 14, 2018•1 hr 5 min•Ep 74•Transcript available on Metacast This week we start with an announcement and then a look at a Bridezilla tale and a psychic mountain lion encounter. Then Ben, Celestia, and Pascual discuss skeptical burnout, a phenomenon that hits almost every skeptic at some point. What makes us susceptible to this kind of exhaustion, and how can we best fight against it? We all share some stories and outlooks.
Aug 31, 2018•1 hr 20 min•Ep 73•Transcript available on Metacast