A kiss can be very powerful. It can make you feel wonderful and connect you to a person – or it can really mess things up. This episode begins with some interesting intel about the power of a kiss, both good and bad. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-we-kiss/ Change is sexy and exciting – and it can also be your worst enemy. On the other hand, there are some things that never change. You can count on them. And perhaps paying more attention to things that stay the same can be a huge ...
Nov 13, 2023•49 min•Ep 969•Transcript available on Metacast If you have siblings, they have had an important impact on you, even if you don’t realize it. This episode starts with a discussion about how brothers and sisters affect your personality and character throughout your life. https://www.tlc.com/life---relationships/study-says-having-a-sister-makes-you-more-optimistic-kinder-and-happier You have probably had at least one experience of déjà vu – maybe several. It’s that feeling that what is happening now, you have experienced before. What causes it?...
Nov 11, 2023•52 min•Ep 968•Transcript available on Metacast Ever notice how restaurant kitchens have huge exhaust fans over the stove? They have to have them. It’s the law. You have an exhaust fan over your stove too. Listen as I begin this episode by explaining why you need to use it more often – a lot more often. https://polk.ces.ncsu.edu/2023/04/how-and-why-to-use-your-kitchen-exhaust-fan/ “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” “Drinking wine is good for your heart.” “you should really cut back on red meat.” These are examples of some popu...
Nov 09, 2023•50 min•Ep 967•Transcript available on Metacast Why are the numbers 1, 2 and 3 across the top of a telephone keypad but across the bottom of a calculator? That’s one of three interesting questions that get answered as I begin this episode. The other 2 have to do with portholes and time. Source: Ivan Semeniuk, co-author of Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze? (https://amzn.to/3sf8muM) There is nothing wrong with achievement. But if you believe that you are only as valuable as your achievements, that can be a problem. If we let our success or lack ...
Nov 06, 2023•49 min•Ep 966•Transcript available on Metacast You often hear the terms antique, collectible and vintage used interchangeably. However, they do have different meanings that have to do with the age and value of an item. I begin this episode with a brief and helpful explanation. https://www.antique-hq.com/the-difference-between-antique-vintage-and-collectible-item-127/ We don’t swear here on Something You Should Know, so we won’t actually say the word that BS stands for. But everyone knows what it means because we hear BS from people all the t...
Nov 04, 2023•53 min•Ep 965•Transcript available on Metacast It might sound odd but the weather can have a significant impact on your purchase decisions. Some things you are likely to buy on a warm sunny day you wouldn't even think of buying on a cloudy and dreary day. This episode begins with an explanation of how this works. https://lifehacker.com/how-the-weather-can-influence-our-car-and-house-buying-5933701 Have you ever felt like an imposter? It’s that feeling of self-doubt that you are in over your head and that other people overestimate your compet...
Nov 02, 2023•50 min•Ep 964•Transcript available on Metacast Your grandmother probably told you to sit up straight – and boy was she right! Good posture can do wonders for all kinds of things from your self-esteem to your math skills. I begin this episode with an explanation. https://www.deseret.com/2023/10/24/23930242/dont-slouch-minding-your-posture-good-mental-health-productivity What could be wrong with creativity? Nothing actually, but creativity may not be all it has been cracked up to be. That’s according to Samuel Franklin. He is a cultural histor...
Oct 30, 2023•50 min•Ep 963•Transcript available on Metacast Becoming a homeowner is an important goal for a lot of people. After all, home ownership is part of the American dream. However, owning isn’t always better than renting in all situations. Listen as I explain why renting may be the way to go. https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/so-you-think-owning-a-home-will-make-you-happy-dont-be-too-sure/. Also, here is the link to the home ownership/rental calculator: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/upshot/buy-rent-calculator.html What does i...
Oct 28, 2023•53 min•Ep 962•Transcript available on Metacast While some people take pride in being a perfectionist, the fact is no one is perfect, so it is a somewhat pointless quest to try. Being a perfectionist can also be bad for your health and longevity in a big way. Listen as I begin this episode explaining the dangers of perfectionism. http://www.livescience.com/6724-dark-side-perfectionism-revealed.html In school, we are taught to write well. However, when we communicate in the real world today, effective writing – the kind that people will actual...
Oct 26, 2023•49 min•Ep 961•Transcript available on Metacast You can search online for information on just about any topic. Recently there was an interesting article posted on the Reader’s Digest website regarding some topics you probably shouldn’t search. This episode begins with a fun look at some of those topics that might be better the less you know. https://www.rd.com/list/things-never-google-search/ You likely have a sense that when you watch TV or a movie, it has an impact on you. What you probably didn’t realize is how big a deal those influences ...
Oct 23, 2023•49 min•Ep 960•Transcript available on Metacast Seems like everyone hates passwords. If they are too random, you forget them. If they are too obvious, you could be hacked. This episode begins with a quick and easy formula to create passwords that are easy to remember and no one else will ever guess. Source: Eran Katz author of Where Did Noah Park The Ark (https://amzn.to/3at5fmx). When you make a choice – any choice, your decision is influenced by so many factors. For example, the order the options were presented to you and who presented them...
Oct 21, 2023•53 min•Ep 959•Transcript available on Metacast Wi-Fi being what it is, sometimes it slows down and things get glitchy – shows stop streaming, games glitch out and other weird things seem to happen. Wouldn’t it be great if you could prioritize which devices in your house get first dibs on the bandwidth? Well actually there is a way. This episode begins with an explanation of how to do it. https://www.popsci.com/diy/prioritize-devices-on-your-wifi-network/ What is the difference between joy and happiness? They are definitely not the same thing...
Oct 19, 2023•49 min•Ep 958•Transcript available on Metacast Every PC owner has probably wondered what the difference is between RESTART and SHUTDOWN – or if there really is a difference. Actually, there is. And if you are having trouble and need to reboot your PC, one is a much better option than the other. Listen as I explain. https://computer.howstuffworks.com/restarting-shutting-down-computer.htm What stops you from doing the important things you say you want to do? If they are so important, why do they remain undone? And how does that impact the rest...
Oct 16, 2023•51 min•Ep 957•Transcript available on Metacast Is taking a daily multivitamin a good idea? It seems to make a lot of sense – like an insurance policy. This episode begins with a discussion about what the science says about taking a multivitamin and what it does or doesn’t do for you. https://www.fredhutch.org/en/news/releases/2009/02/multivitamins.html Dating is hard. So you might think dating apps would make it easier. After all, you can meet an endless number of people you would likely never meet otherwise. And therein lies the problem. Ma...
Oct 14, 2023•52 min•Ep 956•Transcript available on Metacast If you went to your backyard and took a pinch of dirt in your fingers, you would be holding a piece of a shocking underground world you never knew about. Listen as I explain what lives in that world. Source: David W. Wolfe author of Tales From The Underground” (https://amzn.to/3tvUBIk) Whether you are talking to people in a small group or at a large formal event, it can be intimidating and sometimes scary. However, with some simple techniques, you can make speaking less stressful and make your m...
Oct 12, 2023•49 min•Ep 955•Transcript available on Metacast If you are buying candy for Trick or Treaters this year, what kind will it be? Well, if you want to hand out the candy that kids really want, listen as I start this episode with the Top 10 list of the most popular Halloween candies. https://www.cincinnati.com/story/entertainment/2023/10/03/blow-pops-win-title-ohio-favorite-halloween-candy/71041875007/ Believe it or not, there is an oyster that has lived over 500 years. There is another creature that doesn’t seem to age at all – ever! What if we ...
Oct 09, 2023•51 min•Ep 954•Transcript available on Metacast Have you heard of the Pink Tax? It’s when the women’s version of a product (like razors) costs more than men’s even though they are the same – except maybe the packaging and the color. It happens with a whole host of products from children’s toys to clothes to deodorant and yes, razors. Listen to hear why this “tax” exists and why women might be smart to pick the men’s version of the same thing instead. https://www.voanews.com/a/usa_all-about-america_does-pink-tax-force-women-pay-more-men/617778...
Oct 07, 2023•50 min•Ep 953•Transcript available on Metacast When you are faced with a tough decision, some common advice is to “sleep on it." By sleeping and waking up you may have a new and different perspective that will make your decision easier. Is that true? Is it good advice to sleep on it? This episode begins with a brief discussion. https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/features/does-sleeping-on-it-really-work Are you a victim of your circumstances or can you build the life you want? According to Arthur Brooks and Oprah Winfrey, your life is your...
Oct 05, 2023•50 min•Ep 952•Transcript available on Metacast How many married couples sleep in separate beds? A lot more than you may think. This episode begins with a discussion about why couples sleep separately and how it used to be a common and recommended practice not so long ago. https://www.newsweek.com/marriage-couple-sleeping-separately-husband-wife-1742874 The interesting thing about fear is that it is an emotion that serves us well. Without fear, we’d all be dead. Yet, sometimes fear gets in the way. We can often be more afraid than a situation...
Oct 02, 2023•47 min•Ep 951•Transcript available on Metacast Why is the most popular pencil the #2 pencil? What happened to the #1 pencil? This episode begins with some interesting facts about pencils such as how the #2 pencil got so popular, how many words the average pencil will write, why yellow is the most popular pencil color and more. https://www.straightdope.com/21343238/how-come-you-see-2-pencils-but-no-1-pencils You often see stories in the news about people who “snap.” Sometimes it is road rage or some guy wrapping a golf club around a tree – we...
Sep 30, 2023•53 min•Ep 950•Transcript available on Metacast What makes happy people so happy? It is partly due to their attitude and behavior. This episode begins with some of the essential ingredients to create a general sense of happiness. They definitely work if you give them a try. http://www.biopsychiatry.com/happiness/ Who doesn’t love accomplishing all the things on their to-do list? But there is also a cost to doing that when it becomes your primary focus. It just may be that being a little less efficient will actually make you more content accor...
Sep 28, 2023•50 min•Ep 949•Transcript available on Metacast As people age, they may have trouble remembering recent events. If you know older people who seem to forget things, it is important to realize that memory loss isn’t all inevitable. There are a couple of reasons people become forgetful that you can do something about. This episode begins with an explanation and strategies that can really help. Source: William Cone, PhD author of Stop Memory Loss (https://amzn.to/3PNKIOX). Your negative emotions get triggered by a lot of things in life. How you h...
Sep 25, 2023•51 min•Ep 948•Transcript available on Metacast You know when you call a customer service number and you hear, “Your call is very important to us…”? What that usually says to me is – “Get comfortable, this is going to take a while.” Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a way to make your customer service experience shorter and less frustrating? Listen as I begin this episode with some solid advice. frustrating experience. So, this episode begins by discussing how to make that experience a little bit smoother. https://www.wired.com/story/how-to-ca...
Sep 23, 2023•52 min•Ep 947•Transcript available on Metacast It is conventional wisdom for people taking a test that if you are stuck – go with your first answer. Listen as I begin this episode by explaining why that is such terrible advice Source: Joseph T. Hallinan author of Why We Make Mistakes (https://amzn.to/44PV4SQ) We have all felt awkward and embarrassed at times. It feels terrible. Still, it happens to everyone and so often it isn’t as big deal a deal as YOU think it is and maybe it isn’t a big deal at all. That’s the message from Henna Pryor. S...
Sep 21, 2023•47 min•Ep 946•Transcript available on Metacast Why do people get hiccups and what is the best way to get rid of them? This episode begins with an exploration into the causes and cures of hiccups - some that work and some that don't. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hiccups/symptoms-causes/syc-20352613 One thing is for sure – your life is going to change in ways you never expected or planned for. Unexpected change happens to everyone and by its nature can really cause turmoil in your life. So how do you plan for the unexpected c...
Sep 18, 2023•49 min•Ep 945•Transcript available on Metacast A lot of prescription pill bottles come with a ball of cotton inside, on top of the pills. What’s it for and should you take it out or leave it in there? This episode begins with an explanation. https://www.businessinsider.com/why-huge-cotton-ball-comes-pill-bottles-medicine-health-pharmacy-prescription-2017-5 There has likely been a time in your life when you wanted to ask someone to do something for you were reluctant and decided not to. It seems almost human nature to hate to ask people for t...
Sep 16, 2023•48 min•Ep 944•Transcript available on Metacast How do you define love? What is it exactly? Listen to the beginning of this episode and you will hear one of the best definitions of love ever. Knowing this definition will make it clear as a bell what you have to do to get more love in your life. Source: Dr. Pat Love author of The Truth About Love (https://amzn.to/3r7Rzcu) While we all know humans are social creatures, we have actually become much less social than in previous generations. People have fewer friends, more people than ever do not ...
Sep 14, 2023•50 min•Ep 943•Transcript available on Metacast There is a perceived advantage to reading fast. However, reading slower may actually be more beneficial for a lot of reasons. This episode opens with some important reasons to slow down your reading for maximum impact. https://www.bustle.com/p/7-reasons-slow-reading-is-actually-a-good-thing-because-being-a-speed-reader-is-overrated-73092 The average person has 22 goals they want to accomplish. So what’s the best way to go after them? Here with a refreshing and exciting take on setting and achiev...
Sep 11, 2023•50 min•Ep 942•Transcript available on Metacast Every day, you make a countless number of decisions, from what to have for dinner to what detergent to buy. This episode begins by looking at how humans make decisions and choices in life and how to recognize which ones you are probably wasting too much time on. https://fs.blog/2014/09/the-history-of-cognitive-overload You likely spend a good portion of your day in conversation with other people. Yet, we seldom detect what is happening “under the radar” in those conversations – and there is a lo...
Sep 09, 2023•50 min•Ep 941•Transcript available on Metacast I am certain that many times in your life you have had “one of those days.” Those are the days when nothing seems to go right, everything seems to be a problem and you tend to dwell on how horrible everything is. This episode begins with a quick and effective technique for the next time you have “one of those days” that will help you snap out of it. Source: Judith Orloff, M.D. author of Positive Energy (https://amzn.to/2KHzr3K) It's hard to imagine anyone going through life without being embarra...
Sep 07, 2023•45 min•Ep 940•Transcript available on Metacast