Skeptoid #815: On the Trail of the Chupacabra
An exploration into the chupacabra, and how that word came to be applied to so many unrelated things. Learn about your ad choices:
The true science behind our most popular urban legends. Historical mysteries, paranormal claims, popular science myths, aliens and UFO reports, conspiracy theories, and worthless alternative medicine schemes... Skeptoid has you covered. From the sublime to the startling, no topic is sacred. Weekly since 2006.
An exploration into the chupacabra, and how that word came to be applied to so many unrelated things. Learn about your ad choices:
Popular tales of the occult underpinnings of the Nazis are largely modern fiction. Learn about your ad choices:
Concrete will remain one of our most important materials for decades — but there's a big problem with it. Learn about your ad choices:
20 years ago, Portugal decriminalized all drugs in an effort to reduce addiction, incarceration, and negative health impacts. How has it worked? Learn about your ad choices:
Trying to treat pain or cancer by exposing yourself to a radioactive carcinogen provides only risk without the benefit. Learn about your ad choices:
After the 2017 earthquake in Mexico City, rescuers dug through the rubble for a little girl named Frida Sofia — who never existed. Learn about your ad choices:
Conspiracy theories surround the cancellation of this advanced Canadian aircraft from the 1950s. Learn about your ad choices:
Some new facts and extra information on six previous episodes. Learn about your ad choices:
Huna blends generic New Age spiritualism with a concocted version of Hawaiian tradition. Learn about your ad choices:
This manmade debris permeates our bodies and our planet, but what's the harm? Learn about your ad choices:
The true and weird history of the two girls who fooled the world with their fairy photographs in 1917. Learn about your ad choices:
This modern sighting of a strange beast is claimed to have been a resurgence of a legendary medieval monster. Learn about your ad choices:
The true cause of one of history's most violent cataclysms remains a mystery... to a degree. Learn about your ad choices:
It's 15 trivia questions from 15 Skeptoid episodes, to celebrate our 15th anniversary! Learn about your ad choices:
Some people promote probiotics as a miracle cure for just about anything. What can they really do? Learn about your ad choices:
A strange radio broadcast from a very unique group of VIPs being whisked away on a UFO. Learn about your ad choices:
The most famous organ work in history has a surprising mystery -- we're not really sure who composed it! Learn about your ad choices:
A close look at the tales of large black predatory cats stalking Britain for centuries. Learn about your ad choices:
We focus a lot on carbon dioxide when talking about climate change. Should we be talking more about methane? Learn about your ad choices:
20 years after the worst terrorist attack on American soil, the conspiracy theories are still thriving -- just as we should expect. Learn about your ad choices:
A close look at what true science and true history can tell us about this most sacred Catholic relic. Learn about your ad choices:
A popular conspiracy theory claims that lots of people disappear under unexplainable circumstances in America's national parks. Learn about your ad choices:
Skeptoid gives our take on some spooky experiences sent in by listeners. Learn about your ad choices:
In which I take a shot at trying to explain some of the weirdest stories sent in by listeners. Learn about your ad choices:
If you need to find ground water, ask a hydrologist, not an occult magician. Learn about your ad choices:
Pop culture tells us that the existence of billionaires is harmful to the economy. Is that so? Learn about your ad choices:
Is clearcutting of forests for logging a public nuisance or a public benefit? Learn about your ad choices:
An unlikely group of paranormalists has persuaded the American public that the government takes UFOs seriously. Learn about your ad choices:
An unlikely group of paranormalists has persuaded the American public that the government takes UFOs seriously. Learn about your ad choices:
Horses went extinct in North America at the end of the last ice age, but oddly some are now saying they didn't. Learn about your ad choices: