Old MacDonald, field archery, vets, and homeopathy. Plus Zika virus, hectares, the Spice Girls, and listener questions. Dismissed by a peer of the realm, it’s Skeptics with a K. Sign the petition to blacklist homeopathy for animal care at change.org .
Feb 11, 2016•Transcript available on Metacast Quantum Bioinformation, cannabinoids, Ruth Rendell, and crystal meth. Plus happy cells, online shopping, Dumfries, and LL Cool J. On all-new equipment, it’s Skeptics with a K.
Jan 28, 2016•Transcript available on Metacast Fire in Dubai, scalar energy, herpes simplex, and laminine supplements. Plus blacksmiths, St Bernadette, and Killer Daltons. Well heeled and well bred, it’s Skeptics with a K. And apologies for the poor sound quality. Again. Support the MSS, our work, and all of our podcasts by making a monthly contribution via Patreon .
Jan 14, 2016•Transcript available on Metacast In this ridiculous and overlong episode of Skeptics with a K, Mike, Marsh, and Alice are joined by special guest host Laurie from the Merseyside Skeptics Society to talk about what happened at the public homeopathy consultation by Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group. Add your voice to the consultation process at http://www.liverpooltalkshealth.info/homeopathy .
Dec 17, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Allergies, magnets, negative ions, and bad bacteria. Plus infra-red photons, ketosis, and dreamy bollocks. Drinking anything handed to us, it’s Skeptics with a K. Have your say on the Liverpool Homeopathy consultation at www.liverpooltalkshealth.info/homeopathy . All contributions welcomed (even those outside of Liverpool: simply skip the questions that are Liverpool-specific, they are non-essential). Support the show and Merseyside Skeptics by donating via Patreon: http://patreon.com/merseyskep...
Dec 03, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Listener questions, more about homeopathy, and Marsh on the TV, Plus empathy, cheese twists, losing your shit, and skeptic fatigue. Looking a shambles, it’s Skeptics with a K. Support the show and Merseyside Skeptics by donating via Patreon: http://patreon.com/merseyskeptics
Nov 19, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Bacon, sausages, plutonium, and HUMAN DNA. Plus sexy drivers, rude commuters, boring dieters, and insuring your shoes. With issues not related to ketchup, mustard or relish… it’s Skeptics with a K! Support the MSS, our work and all of our podcasts by making a monthly contribution via Patreon .
Nov 05, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Coca-cola, spice cake, nail polish, and Schedule 1 of the National Health Service (General Medical Services Contracts) (Prescription of Drugs etc.) Regulations 2004. Plus tales from Florida, tales from Italy, Alice getting drunk, and Back to the Future Day. It’s a ridiculous, overlong, and unedited episode of Skeptics with a K. We’re sorry.
Oct 22, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, migrant bees, surgical instruments, and sleep paralysis. Plus Alzheimer’s, pesticides, Doctor Who, and genetic engineering. Who would fabricate news stories just to get clicks? Certainly not Skeptics with a K.
Oct 08, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Hello Listeners. I hope you can hear me, because if you can’t we’re in trouble! In this accidental special episode of Skeptics with a K, Marsh talks about what happened when he went to see Peter Popoff in London earlier this year.
Sep 24, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Slippers, collagen, football, and boiled eggs. Plus mincing proteins, bleeding deer, and what happened in Amsterdam. Standing on the Devil, it’s Skeptics with a K.
Sep 10, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Lifting weights, grinding corn, what happened in Edinburgh, and the Berenstein Bears. Plus polymers, Sliders, Nelson Mandela, and California Proposition 65. Fully tested for contamination by GMOs, it’s Skeptics with a K.
Aug 27, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Patreon, pride, hydration, and brown fat. Plus jugs, the Fonz, inside out moisturiser and slap-downs. With Warren in the corner, it’s Skeptics with a K. Sign up for the Merseyside Skeptics Patreon Page ! We will make the show shit if you don’t.
Aug 13, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring glasses, fortune tellers, dogs, more dogs, and lasers. Plus canal boats, gambling, giant plugs, and the Jimmy Hill Jesus.
Jul 30, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Flat Earthers, soy beans, arsenic soup, and kettles. Plus Anne of Cleves, vaccines, ten pin bowling, and Mike’s t-shirt. Last chance to donate to the Merseyside Skeptics charity walk .
Jul 16, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Skinny jeans, trampolining, hair DNA, and allergies. Plus Belgium, fleas, drinking, and the family dog. Ridiculously hot (that’s a temperature-based comment, not conceit) it’s Skeptics with a K.
Jul 02, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast It’s episode 150! That’s a nice round figure. Featuring freemen, steak, batteries, and dis-ease. Plus alzheimer’s, dry docks, lonely mice, and crimes against manatees. Definitely only meaning one thing, it’s Skeptics with a K.
Jun 18, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Genetic modification, Black Salve, pregnancy, and paracetamol. Plus cancer roots, bicarbonate of soda, designer babies, and ‘scientists.’ Only painful after the procedure, it’s Skeptics with a K. Donate to the Merseyside Skeptics Charity Walk for Alzheimers Research at: Just Giving .
Jun 04, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Internet time, Light Night, brain-boosting orange juice, and seminiferous tubules. Plus decapsulated testes, learning to swim, disappointing books, and two hours of pornography. Still buffering, it’s Skeptics with a K.
May 21, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Crystal beds, purple vibrators, yoga positions, and cock chakras. Plus Metro-Gnomes, absent islands, glitter herpes, and Ultron. Laughing and vomiting while a piano plays, it’s the multi-award-losing Skeptics with a K.
May 07, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Ethnic emoji, money for homeopathy, character encoding, and sexist behaviour. Plus alien heads, visiting London, andunconscious bias. And QED is almost here… eek! Donate to the Good Thinking Society Homeopathy appeal at justgiving.com/Good-Thinking-Society-Appeal .
Apr 23, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Amber necklaces, brain rotting, Kangen Water, and cereal bars. Plus shoes, wasps, Shakespeare, and the greatest mistakes of history. Feeling contrite, it’s Skeptics with a K.
Apr 09, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Walking, root canals, Sarah Palin and witch doctors. Plus boiling nails, acupuncture meridians and sucking teeth. Without looking directly at the Sun, it’s Skeptics with a K.
Mar 26, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring raw food, evil gerbils, Mark Zuckerberg and the Silk Road. Plus hate speech, Black Salve, sniffing books, and the never-ending and bloody squirrel civil war. Nominate your favourite podcast for an Ockham Award at the Skeptic website, http://www.skeptic.org.uk/
Mar 12, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Big stars, big ships, big egos, and not-so-big operations. Plus mind control, propellers, hips, and body builders. Buzzing away, it’s Skeptics with a K. Donate to the Good Thinking Society at goodthinkingsociety.org
Feb 26, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Exploding viruses, bad luck, zapping blood and the Emperor’s New Music Player. Plus obese mice, broken phones, stool transplants and the importance of back-ups. Pouring over hard work, it’s Skeptics with a K.
Feb 12, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Oxidative stress, topical urine, imprinted silica, and free radicals. Plus crashed vans, cloning, growing cress, and spoilers. Lots of spoilers. Really, spoiler alert. There are spoilers. Probably not using more than 10% of our brains, it’s Skeptics with a K.
Jan 29, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Charlie Hebdo, ibuprofen, nematode worms and Gerson Therapy. Plus Sonic 2, turkey leftovers, giblets and really bad sound quality. With apologies, on many levels, it’s Skeptics with a K.
Jan 15, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Happy New Year! Featuring milk, muesli, teddy bears and brown sauce. Plus ebola, MMS, apples and jaundice. Supplementing milk with cow poo, it’s Skeptics with a K.
Jan 01, 2015•Transcript available on Metacast Tasting wine, cancer quacks, chiropractorsand tannins. Plusresonance, faux apologies, Big Baz the Kangaroo and brainwashing patients. Merry Christmas from Skeptics with a K.
Dec 18, 2014•Transcript available on Metacast