Shardcast: The Brandon Sanderson Podcast - podcast cover

Shardcast: The Brandon Sanderson Podcast
The Brandon Sanderson Podcast made by 17th Shard, the biggest Brandon Sanderson nerds. Come here for all your cosmere, Stormlight Archive, and Mistborn discussion, as well analysis of news and current Words of Brandon.


Rhythm of War Ch 18 - Rhythm of Previews

Can you believe it? We are less than two weeks away from Rhythm of War, which means this series is about to end. Just one more after this! Brandon posted his annotation for Chapter 17 a bit late, and you can read it here: 00:00 Intro and Annotation 4:35 Epigraph 7:47 Chapter 18 You can find all of the preview chapters, our discussions on 17S, and Brandon's annotations of them here:

Nov 05, 202036 minTranscript available on Metacast

Rhythm of War Ch 17 - Rhythm of Previews

On this episode of Rhythm of Previews, we're onto chapter 17, and since I didn't watch or edit it, I have no idea what happens, but since I'm writing the description and posting this, I am contractually obligated to say it's awesome! Thanks to Alyx (Feather) for editing this while I have a very busy week! You can find all of the preview chapters, our discussions on 17S, and Brandon's annotations of them here:

Oct 29, 202053 minTranscript available on Metacast

The Returned

We talk about Returned, Returned healing, memory, perception, new God Kings, Vo, and the Royal Locks. Oh and Austrism. And... health insurance. Vroom vroom. No Rhythm of War spoilers, but Warbreaker and cosmere spoilers. We have Eric (Chaos), Evgeni (Argent), Grace (thegatorgirl), and Ben (Overlord Jebus). This is our second to last episode before Rhythm of War's release. Our last one will be Dawnshard, which ideally will be out so we can keep up our biweekly cadence, but we will see! Then weekl...

Oct 25, 20202 hr 49 minTranscript available on Metacast

Rhythm of War Ch 16 - Rhythm of Previews

We're onto chapter 16 of Rhythm of War this week. It's a shorter one, and therefore a shorter episode, but there's still plenty of fun stuff to talk about here! 0:00 Introduction and Chapter 15 Annotation 6:02 Epigraph 9:23 Chapter 16 You can find all of the preview chapters, our discussions on 17S, and Brandon's annotations of them here: Here's our Rhythm of Previews playlist!

Oct 22, 202044 minTranscript available on Metacast

Rhythm of War Ch 15 - Rhythm of Previews

In this chapter of Rhythm of War, we see Kaladin be Kaladin, and we get a very interesting conversation with Kaladin and an old favorite. Producer Ghost Eric also joins near the end (no longer disembodied) to talk a bit too! You can find all of the preview chapters, our discussions on 17S, and Brandon's annotations of them here: Here's our Rhythm of Previews playlist!

Oct 15, 202056 minTranscript available on Metacast

The Original Reactions

The Original, an audio-only story cowritten by Brandon Sanderson and Mary Robinette Kowal came out on September 14th. It's science fiction about clones and lots of other things! In this episode, we blab all about it, and yes, The Original is over three hours long and we talked just below two hours twenty minutes on this. Yeah that's a sizable fraction of the audiobook! Over 50% of it in fact, and you know what, we could have talked more about it. There's so much to delve into! We start with some...

Oct 10, 20202 hr 20 minTranscript available on Metacast

Rhythm of War Ch 14 - Rhythm of Previews

These Rhythm of Previews episodes keep getting longer, but I think after Chapter 14, this is very justified. There is just so much to unpack on this one chapter! I suppose it's not particularly surprising these episodes are longer and longer. This book is just so full of things. Enjoy! You can find all of the preview chapters, our discussions on 17S, and Brandon's annotations of them here: Her...

Oct 08, 20201 hr 3 minTranscript available on Metacast

Rhythm of War Ch 13 - Rhythm of Previews

This week on Rhythm of Previews, we're doing Chapter 13, and there's some spicy stuff here! In addition to Rhythm of War spoilers, there are spoilers for a few other things too. Lore! Information! Also, check out Marvin's increased production quality! So snazzy. Additionally, this chapter's annotation (which we will discuss next week, as usual), discussed some of the stuff we talked about here:

Oct 01, 202055 minTranscript available on Metacast

Rhythm of War Ch 12 - Rhythm of Previews

Rhythm of Previews, our readthrough of the Rhythm of War preview chapters, continues to Chapter 12! Was this chapter rough for you to read? It was for Danielle and Marvin! You can find all of the preview chapters, and our discussions on 17S, here: Here's our Rhythm of Previews playlist! Want a recap of Stormlight Archive?...

Sep 24, 202046 minTranscript available on Metacast

Who's That Cosmere Character 3, Off the Rails Edition

We figured that after Dawnshard and Rhythm of War, we're going to be a *bit* busy, and we had a huge queue of Who's That Cosmere Characters, so let's get through a bunch of them now! And oh boy we get off the rails here, but we have lots of fun! You could say there's lots of Fafen around. Ben (Overlord Jebus) is hosting, and we also have Eric (Chaos), Evgeni (Argent), Alyx (Feather), and Marvin (Paleo). Also featuring "King Idris"! 00:00 Way too much introductions 5:11 News 9:28 WTCC Intro 10:51...

Sep 19, 20202 hr 58 minTranscript available on Metacast

Rhythm of War Ch 11 - Rhythm of Previews

Rhythm of Previews, our readthrough of the Rhythm of War preview chapters, is now on chapter 11! And we finally see a character we haven't seen thus far in the book. Lots to catch up on this week, so watch below to see us pick this chapter apart! You can find all of the preview chapters, and our discussions on 17S, here: Here's our Rhythm of Previews playlist!

Sep 17, 202048 minTranscript available on Metacast

Rhythm of War Ch 10 - Rhythm of Previews

Rhythm of Previews, our readthrough of the Rhythm of War preview chapters, is onto chapter 10! It's a short chapter, but lots to discuss here! You can find all of the preview chapters, and our discussions on 17S, here: Here's our Rhythm of Previews playlist! Want a recap of Stormlight Archive? We're doing a series of arti...

Sep 10, 202043 minTranscript available on Metacast

2020 Words of Brandon Part 2

We finish off Words of Brandon (well, at least since we recorded this) for the first half of 2020. Here we get some pretty good ones like whether Skybreakers could follow the pirate code, and more! Our cast today is Eric (Chaos), Ian (Weiry), Evgeni (Argent), and Marvin (Paleo). The first half of this is here: Introduction: 0:00 WoBs: 1:42 WTCC: 1:11:00 If you like our content, support us on Patreon: For discussion, theories, games, ...

Sep 05, 20201 hr 20 minTranscript available on Metacast

Rhythm of War Ch 9 - Rhythm of Previews

Rhythm of Previews, our readthrough of the Rhythm of War preview chapters, continues with chapter 9! Goodbye, short episodes, we barely knew you. But there's a lot of very exciting things in this chapter, so it's all very warranted! You can find all of the preview chapters, and our discussions on 17S, here: Here's our Rhythm of Previews playlist!

Sep 03, 202053 minTranscript available on Metacast

Rhythm of War Ch 8 - Rhythm of Previews

Rhythm of Previews, our readthrough of the Rhythm of War preview chapters, continues with chapter 8! Please note there's a content warning for suicide from 6:57-11:11. This is at last a mythical "short video," something rarely seen on this channel! You can find all of the preview chapters, and our discussions on 17S, here: Here's our Rhythm of Previews playlist!

Aug 27, 202032 minTranscript available on Metacast

Dawnshard Prologue and 2020 Words of Brandon Part 1

Things keep happening! We got the prologue for the Dawnshard novella, so we discuss that some, and then it occurred to us that we haven't talked about Words of Brandon in forever. There was even an event in the before-times of February! Also, a bunch of stuff from the livestreams. Next time we'll have more Words of Brandon, too! Our cast today is Eric (Chaos), Ian (Weiry), Evgeni (Argent), and Marvin (Paleo). This episode is edited by the lovely Feather, who is just the best. You can get the Daw...

Aug 22, 20202 hr 44 minTranscript available on Metacast

Rhythm of Previews: Rhythm of War Chapter 7

Rhythm of Previews, our readthrough of the Rhythm of War preview chapters, continues with chapter 7! We also take a look at the official cover of the US edition of Rhythm of War, and get pretty excited about the epigraph and last week's annotation, and of course, the chapter itself. You can find all of the preview chapters, and our discussions on 17S, here: Here's our Rhythm of Previews playli...

Aug 20, 202047 minTranscript available on Metacast

Rhythm of Previews: Rhythm of War Chapter 6

(Sorry this one is late on audio!) Rhythm of Previews, our readthrough of the Rhythm of War preview chapters, continues, but now it's just going to be one chapter per week from now on. But that's okay, that means these will be... slightly shorter, maybe! In the episode Paleo notices something and it turns out to be an official error. Remember, proofread hasn't happened yet! Also guest starring: thunder! The Stormfather visited Paleo, but you can only hear it in the video once. You can find all o...

Aug 18, 202038 minTranscript available on Metacast

Dark One Lore

This episode of Shardcast, we are returning to Mirandus and the world of Dark One for more lore and analysis. You can get the ebook of Dark One right now, but hardcovers of it start shipping August 17th. You can get them here ( This is our second Dark One podcast, our first one happened at the beginning of July ( We anticipated this one would come out a bit earlier, but then stuff k...

Aug 08, 20202 hr 40 minTranscript available on Metacast

Rhythm of Previews: Rhythm of War Ch 4-5

Danielle and Marvin continue their adventure into Rhythm of War. This time they discuss Chapters 4 and 5. They split up discussion by viewpoint, which is... maybe better! I dunno, you'll see! Important news: The Way of Kings leatherbound Kickstarter ends FRIDAY (that's tomorrow) Get it now if you're interested! Thank you to Feather for editing this and showing me some basic Premiere skills in ...

Aug 06, 20201 hr 3 minTranscript available on Metacast

Rhythm of Previews: Rhythm of War Prologue through Chapter 3

Today we're beginning a new series: Rhythm of Previews, where Danielle and Marvin discuss the preview chapters of Rhythm of War, the fourth Stormlight Archive book. We're hoping to keep these a bit shorter than Shardcast, so we won't talk in incredible detail on everything, but we'll do our best to give you the highlights! released the prologue and chapter 1 on Thursday, and then chapters 2 and 3 Tuesday, so this is a double-lengthed episode. We're going to do this weekly (assuming sched...

Jul 30, 20201 hr 22 minTranscript available on Metacast

Dawnshard Novella Title and Predictions

We wanted to do a "short" episode of us discussing the reveal of the novella that will be out prior to Rhythm of War, Dawnshard! But then we blabbed. We blabbed a lot about a lot of things. Things we know basically nothing about. But now you will also know the nothing we know about Dawnshards and Aimians together. After all, the real Dawnshards are the friends we met along the way. For news and info on Dawnshard, see here:

Jul 24, 20202 hr 53 minTranscript available on Metacast

Interview with Isaac and Kara Stewart

We interviewed Isaac and Kara Stewart of Dragonsteel Entertainment yesterday. Isaac is the art director and makes amazing maps. Kara manages the store and merchandise. Today we talk about the Way of Kings Leatherbound Kickstarter, Rhythm of War, and more. We could have blabbed a long time and I wish we had more time together, and hopefully we'll get to interview them again! See for Isaac's book Kickstarter, which will launch October. If you like our content, support...

Jul 22, 202046 minTranscript available on Metacast

New Rhythm of War Chapter!

Last week, when the Way of Kings leatherbound Kickstarter came out, Brandon sent one of his newsletters and it contained a brand-new chapter from Rhythm of War! So that's what we are talking about today. If Rhythm of War pre-release content is not your jam, don't listen to this one! I worked hard to be as vague as possible with the title of this to not spoil you. This chapter has not been revealed before, so it's pretty cool. You can sign up for the newsletter on Brandon's site, and it should se...

Jul 17, 20201 hr 18 minTranscript available on Metacast

Dark One Reactions and Analysis

This episode of Shardcast is sponsored by Hank Green and his new book, A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor, which comes out July 7th! Go to for details or get it wherever books are sold! Dark One (book 1) is out and it turns out the graphic novel is really good! Come here for our reactions (spoiler-free) and then we go into detail on some of the in-depth stuff of this universe. It's cool, and there's so much to talk about we'll have another episode on it later! This is the freshest take...

Jul 03, 20202 hr 31 minTranscript available on Metacast

Knights Radiant Quiz with New Lore!

Little did we know that just days after our stream where we discuss which Radiant order we'd be, the official Knights Radiant Quiz ( came out! In this episode, we discuss the news, a new WoB about a potential new Shard, we talk about our quiz results, then we go through and discuss each Radiant order description! There's some cool new lore, so stick around! Our cast today is Eric (Chaos), Ian (Weiry), Evgeni (Argent), Grace (t...

Jun 20, 20202 hr 26 minTranscript available on Metacast

Tenth Anniversary Livestream Part 2

We did a massive, five hour long livestream on Saturday for 17th Shard's tenth anniversary! This is the second part. In this part, we discuss our favorite characters, more fandom moments, Ship It or Rip It, and more! Please note this is also not as edited as usual and is almost exactly what the stream saw, so we apologize for blank space. For this part, we have Eric (Chaos), Ian (WeiryWriter), Alyx (FeatherWriter), Grace (thegatorgirl), Matt (Comatose), and Shannon (Grey). So, if you like our co...

Jun 09, 20202 hr 25 minTranscript available on Metacast

Tenth Anniversary Livestream Part 1

We did a massive, five hour long livestream on Saturday for 17th Shard's tenth anniversary! This is the first part. Come for lots of questions, fun, and more! Please note this episode is not really edited as usual, so we apologize for more blank space than usual. Tomorrow the second half of the stream will be up! For this part, we have Eric (Chaos), Evgeni (Argent), David (Windrunner), Ben (Overlord Jebus), Joshua (jofwu), and Marvin (Paleo). So, if you like our content, support us on Patreon: h...

Jun 08, 20202 hr 17 minTranscript available on Metacast

Dead Loved Ones in the Cosmere

This episode we're talking about characters and tropes. Let's talk about the dead spouses (mostly wives) and dead parents in the cosmere. Well, dead fathers in non-cosmere works, but hey. We talk about the Lost Lenore trope as well as fridging, and a good bit of poking fun about all the dead wives in Brandon's works. We have Eric (Chaos), Ian (WeiryWriter), Grace (thegatorgirl), Shannon (Grey), and Matt (Comatose). In two weeks we will not have our usual episode. Instead, on Saturday, June 6th, ...

May 22, 20202 hr 49 minTranscript available on Metacast

Making Fun of Our Old Cosmere Theories

You know how we say on Shardcast that we don't need rails? Well turns out we rarely had rails to begin with. Today we are taking a look at our old cosmere theories. And when I say old I mean real old, like from 2008, pre-Hero of Ages. We'll talk about some fandom history on the forums, tell you how we got into the fandom, and mock old our old theories all around. Then at the end we'll give you some advice on how you can theorycraft better. Hopefully you'll enjoy this retrospective, and I imagine...

May 08, 20202 hr 7 minTranscript available on Metacast
Shardcast: The Brandon Sanderson Podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast