The intense decisions clinicians have to make during the pandemic don’t just cause burnout. They cause moral injury. Featuring Jen Schwartz (@JenLSchwartz) Wendy Dean, MD (@WDeanMD) Links to resources discussed: Grief on the Front Line—and Beyond Suicides of two health care workers hint at the Covid-19 mental health crisis to come Psychological Trauma Is the Next Crisis for Coronavirus Health Workers Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset About Recode by Vox: Recode ...
May 17, 2020•26 min•Ep 88•Transcript available on Metacast Elon Musk isn’t happy about coronavirus closures. Here’s the backstory of how he fought to re-open the Tesla car factory in California and what workers have to say. Featuring: Sean O’Kane (@sokane1) Links to Resources Discussed: Elon Musk defies coronavirus order and asks to be arrested When Big Tech calls 911 Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset About Recode by Vox: Recode by Vox helps you understand how tech is changing the world — and changing us. Learn more abo...
May 14, 2020•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast Voice-activated coffee makers. One-way hallways. Cubicles! The office will never be the same. Featuring: Rani Molla (@ranimolla) Steven Yates Links to Resources Discussed: Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset About Recode by Vox: Recode by Vox helps you understand how tech is changing the world — and changing us. Learn more about your ad choices. Vi...
May 12, 2020•22 min•Ep 86•Transcript available on Metacast Because more people are working from home, employers are increasingly using software that monitors much more than just your hours on the clock. Featuring Adam Satariano (@satariano) Pui-Wing Tam (@puiwingtam) Links to resources discussed: Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset About Recode by Vox: Recode by Vox helps you understand how tech is chan...
May 10, 2020•25 min•Ep 85•Transcript available on Metacast Science is racing to develop a treatment or vaccine for Covid-19. But other patients have been left behind, and some of them, like three-year-old Maxwell Freed, are running out of time. Featuring Dan Vergano: @Dvergano Amber Freed: @Maxs_Milestones Links to resources discussed: Our episode from January: Start calling scientists: how to get treatment for your toddler’s rare disease Dan Vergano’s reporting: These Kids With Rare Genetic Diseases Were Part Of Research Into New Treatments. The Corona...
May 07, 2020•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Why the prepping mindset is so prevalent in Silicon Valley. Featuring John Ramey (@jpramey) Nellie Bowles (@NellieBowles) Links to resources discussed: The Prepared I Used to Make Fun of Silicon Valley Preppers. Then I Became One. Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset About Recode by Vox: Recode by Vox helps you understand how tech is changing the world — and changing us...
May 05, 2020•27 min•Ep 83•Transcript available on Metacast Bolinas, California: a small town north of San Francisco where a group of tech entrepreneurs and community volunteers tested everyone for coronavirus. Could this model for testing be used elsewhere? Featuring: @Caterina @jyri Links: The California hippie town where everybody could get a coronavirus test In one Italian town, we showed mass testing could eradicate the coronavirus | Andrea Crisanti and Antonio Cassone This reclusive Marin County town is testing everybody for coronaviru...
May 03, 2020•22 min•Ep 82•Transcript available on Metacast Why we can’t hit pause on Space exploration during the pandemic, and how people who operate spacecraft are working from home. Featuring Loen Grush (@lorengrush) Links to resources discussed: How engineers are operating deep-space probes, martian rovers, and satellites from their homes Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 30, 2020•22 min•Ep 81•Transcript available on Metacast Neil Young says digital music recordings are terrible quality. Is he right? Featuring: Robert Owen ( @danideahl Links: How Well Can You Hear Audio Quality? Vinyl's great, but it's not better than CDs 24/192 Music Downloads...and why they make no sense Neil Young says the MacBook Pro has ‘Fisher-Price’ audio quality Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 28, 2020•33 min•Ep 80•Transcript available on Metacast How teenagers have created their own way to preserve their digital privacy...for the ‘gram. Featuring @Pr0d1g4 @alfredwkng Links Teens have figured out how to mess with Instagram's tracking algorithm Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 26, 2020•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Teachers and students are still struggling with online education Links to resources discussed: Students will go back to school eventually. Here are 5 concrete ideas for helping them catch up, readjust Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset About Recode by Vox: Recode by Vox helps you understand how tech is changing the world — and changing us. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 23, 2020•29 min•Ep 79•Transcript available on Metacast A coronavirus conspiracy theory has led to arson attacks in the UK. And - how to talk to friends and family about coronavirus misinformation. Featuring James Temperton (@JTemperton) Liz Neeley (@LizNeeley) Links to resources discussed: James Temperton’s article: Liz Neely’s article: Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Rese...
Apr 21, 2020•32 min•Ep 78•Transcript available on Metacast What’s the deal with January 19th, 2038? Why remembering Y2K correctly matters. Featuring Rose Eveleth (@roseveleth) Links to resources discussed: Flash Forward Podcast Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset About Recode by Vox: Recode by Vox helps you understand how tech is changing the world — and changing us. Follow Us: Newsletter: Recode Daily Twitter: @Recode Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 19, 2020•30 min•Ep 77•Transcript available on Metacast Public health's "tried and true" tactic against infectious disease, and how Google and Apple want to help end the lockdown. Featuring @sxbegle @russellbrandom Links to resources discussed: Answering the 12 biggest questions about Apple and Google's new coronavirus tracking project Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset About Recode by Vox: Recode by Vox helps you understand how tech is changing the world — and changing us. Follow Us: Newsletter: Recode Daily Twitter:...
Apr 16, 2020•28 min•Ep 76•Transcript available on Metacast There’s a new online bookseller in town that’s trying to save your local indie bookstore. Featuring Andy Hunter (@AndyHunter777) Constance Grady (@constancegrady) Links to resources discussed: Vox Book Club, The City We Became, Week 1: New York City is born. What happens next? In Ask a Book Critic, book critic Constance Grady recommends books to suit your very specific mood Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset About Recode by Vox: Recode by Vox helps you un...
Apr 14, 2020•27 min•Ep 75•Transcript available on Metacast From fan pages to food pics, Dr. Anthony Fauci is everywhere. The Verge’s Makena Kelly explains the person behind the meme. Featuring @kellymakena @FauciFan Links to resources discussed: Makena’s Article: Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset About Recode by Vox: Recode by Vox helps you understand how tech is changing the world — and cha...
Apr 12, 2020•29 min•Ep 74•Transcript available on Metacast Why the pandemic is exposing the complicated relationship between delivery apps and restaurants and how a restaurateur and app developer is helping keep his industry alive. Featuring Caleb Pershan ( @calaesthetic) Nick Kokonas ( @nickkokonas) Links to resources discussed: Restaurant and Bar Employees Make Up 60 Percent of Jobs Lost in March Here’s What Alinea’s To-Go Offerings Look Like Grubhub Asks Restaurants to Foot the Bill on ‘Supper for Support’ Promotions Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs...
Apr 09, 2020•22 min•Ep 73•Transcript available on Metacast And it is telling the government. The Verge's Casey Newton explains how location data is helping fight coronavirus, and why even privacy advocates don't think that's such a bad thing. Featuring Casey Newton, Silicon Valley Editor at the Verge (@CaseyNewton) Links to resources discussed: Casey’s columns on location data:,
Apr 07, 2020•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast How testing technology will help end the spread of covid-19. Featuring Una Osato (@thisisuna) Umair Irfan (@umairfan) Links How Covid-19 immunity testing can help people get back to work FDA authorizes first antibody-based test for COVID-19 12 things everyone needs to know about the coronavirus pandemic Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset About Recode by Vox: Recode by Vox helps you understand how tech is changing the world — and changing us. Follow Us: Newsletter...
Apr 05, 2020•29 min•Ep 71•Transcript available on Metacast Why life-saving ventilators for Covid-19 patients are in short supply, and how people like Dr. Richard Boyer are trying to fix that. Featuring @SaraMorrison Links to resources discussed: Trump isn't making America's ventilator shortage any easier The Covent-19 Challenge Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset About Recode by Vox: Recode by Vox helps you understand how tech is changing the world — and changing us. Follow Us: Newsletter: Recode Daily Twitter: @Recode Le...
Apr 02, 2020•26 min•Ep 70•Transcript available on Metacast Nintendo’s new game New Horizons has become a place to escape the reality of a global pandemic, gather with friends online - and even get married. Featuring Allegra Frank (@legsfrank) Sharmin Asha & Nazmul Ahmed Links to resources discussed: Allegra’s article: Sharmin and Naz’s Reddit post: Host: Ari...
Mar 31, 2020•24 min•Ep 69•Transcript available on Metacast What do we mean when we say “airborne?”; plus, the most important unanswered questions about how coronavirus is transmitted. FEATURING Roxanne Khamsi @rkhamsi Brian Resnick @B_resnick LINKS They Say Coronavirus Isn't Airborne—but It's Definitely Borne By Air The 9 most important unanswered questions about Covid-19 Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset About Recode by Vox: Recode by Vox helps you understand how tech is changing the world — and changing us. Follow Us:...
Mar 29, 2020•28 min•Ep 68•Transcript available on Metacast Why does it spread so easily? And could it mutate into something worse? The Atlantic's Ed Yong explains the science so far. Featuring @edyong209 Links to resources discussed: Why the Coronavirus Has Been So Successful Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset About Recode by Vox: Recode by Vox helps you understand how tech is changing the world — and changing us. Follow Us: Newsletter: Recode Daily Twitter: @Recode Learn more about your ad choices. V...
Mar 26, 2020•24 min•Ep 67•Transcript available on Metacast How the tech giant is responding to the pandemic, and what it says about Amazon as a company. FEATURING Jason Del Rey @DelRey LINKS Amazon reopened a NYC warehouse a day after a worker tested positive for coronavirus Amazon is banning its warehouses from stocking nonessential items during the coronavirus pandemic Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset About Recode by Vox: Recode by Vox helps you understand how tech is changing the world — and changing us. Follow Us: ...
Mar 24, 2020•25 min•Ep 66•Transcript available on Metacast COVID-19 has shut schools all over the country, and millions of American students are now learning at home, online. Are online tools enough to make up for lost classroom time? Links to resources discussed: Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset About Recode by Vox: Recode by Vox helps you understand how tech is changing the world — an...
Mar 22, 2020•24 min•Ep 65•Transcript available on Metacast The scientific community is moving at unprecedented speed to develop a way to treat COVID-19. But how soon can a treatment or a vaccine be available to the public? Featuring @mslopatto Links to resources discussed: Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset About Recode by Vox: Recode by Vox helps you understand how tech is changing the world — and changing us. Follow Us: Newsletter: Recode Daily Twit...
Mar 19, 2020•29 min•Ep 64•Transcript available on Metacast How law enforcement used a “geofence” warrant to identify a suspect of a crime he didn’t commit. Featuring Jon Schuppe (@jonschuppe) Links Google tracked his bike ride past a burglarized home. That made him a suspect. Host: Arielle Duhaime-Ross (@adrs), host and lead reporter of Reset About Recode by Vox: Recode by Vox helps you understand how tech is changing the world — and changing us. Follow Us: Newsletter: Recode Daily Twitter: @Recode Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices....
Mar 17, 2020•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast The 'Click to Pray eRosary' is a new wearable device from the Vatican. It tracks people’s steps, calories — and prayers. But can it bring young Catholics closer to the faith? LINKS “Click to Pray eRosary” – wearable smart device to pray the rosary for peace Does praying burn calories? Here’s the pope’s $110 e-rosary Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mar 15, 2020•21 min•Ep 62•Transcript available on Metacast Forced labor performed by Uighur Muslims in China may be in the tech products we use every day. Featuring Darren Byler @dtbyler Rushan Abbas @rushan614 Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian @BethanyAllenEbr Links The report: NYT profile of Rushan Abbas: Axios: Host: SigalSamuel @sig...
Mar 12, 2020•26 min•Ep 61•Transcript available on Metacast The cost of China’s high-tech response to contain the coronavirus. Featuring Rebecca Heilweil @rebeccaheilweil Timothy Grose @GroseTimothy Links Coronavirus is the first big test for futuristic tech that can prevent pandemics A surveillance net blankets China’s cities, giving police vast powers Host: Sigal Samuel @SigalSamuel About Recode by Vox: Recode by Vox helps you understand how tech is changing the world — and changing us. Follow Us: Newsletter: Recode Daily Twitter: @Recode Learn more ab...
Mar 10, 2020•23 min•Ep 60•Transcript available on Metacast