Quantum physics, was first defined as a body of knowledge in the 1920’s. Not coincidentally, the New Thought and theosophy movement, which includes the work of Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, Madame Blavatsky, Ernest Holmes, Rudolph Steiner and even Napoleon Hill emerged around that same time.
If our outer world is a manifestation of our consciousness, then it makes sense that as we evolved, our understandings were reflected in the birth of Quantum Physics and the New Thought movement.
If we thought we were evolving quickly in the 1920’s, think of the depth and speed at which our consciousness is evolving right now!
John Burgos, the creator of the Beyond the Ordinary Show has had a front row seat to this evolutionary journey we are on. Over the last five years John has hosted Lightworkers, Spiritual Teachers and leading-edge Global Change Agents on his show, bearing witness to powerful new teachings, the initiation of new healing codes and frequencies and learning from some of the world’s top spiritual leaders.
His wise perspective has given him a viewpoint on the changes at hand that makes him uniquely qualified to talk about how we’ve grown, the changes we’ve made and the evolution in consciousness that we have been individually and collectively cultivating.
Join me for this unique Quantum Conversation as we discuss, what’s really up on the planet, where we’ve been and where we’re headed.