If we want podcast apps and hosting companies to implement the features we like, we need to communicate our needs directly—after all, they’re not mind readers!
From simple feedback to organized group requests, we can encourage these platforms to embrace the Podcasting 2.0 features that we believe are beneficial to all.
Persistence is key; by continually advocating for our needs, we can influence the uptake of 2.0 technology. So, let’s get proactive and show them we care about the features that matter most to us!
Find podcasting resources, links and extra listening at Creativityfound.co.uk/podcasting
Things change. Technologies improve. What is discussed in this episode is correct as of end 2024 or early 2025.
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With thanks to:
Cover design by The Pink Octopus
Theme music City Vibe from Ketsa
Additional music Nova Search available on Pixabay