Epinephrine and Dopamine are adrenergic agonist used in several ACLS algorithms.
The use of epinephrine for severe anaphylaxis and unstable bradycardia.
Review epinephrine’s effects on blood vessels and bronchioles.
Why epinephrine is helpful for patients with anaphylaxis.
Using an epi drip for unstable bradycardia.
Epinephrine administration during cardiac arrest.
Starting and epinephrine or Dopamine drip for patients that have ROSC.
Review the effects of Dopamine based on mcg/kg/min dosing.
Monitoring the patient and titrating epi or Dopamine drips to prevent harm.
For more information on ACLS medications, check out the pod resource page at passacls.com.
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Helpful Listener Links:
Practice ECG rhythms at Dialed Medics - https://dialedmedics.com/