The next blue moon isn’t until May 2026, but luckily for you, you won’t have to wait that long to hear the Outside/In team answering listeners’ questions. This time, we’re exploring why blue moons are cool (or even what the heck a blue moon even is) and other seasonably appropriate curiosities.
Featuring Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, Tim Gaudreau, Victoria Meert, and Sujay Kaushal.
Thanks to Outside/In listeners Zoe, Janet, Gio, Alexi, Prudence, Wendy, Mo, and Devon for their questions and contributions.
Outside/In is made possible with listener support. Click here to become a sustaining member of Outside/In.
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Check out this study on the long-term impacts of leaf litter removal in suburban yards.
Looking for a creative and cute way to keep leaves in your lawn or garden? Consider building a “bug snug.”
Read about the mad dash for salt that rescued the 2014 Sochi Olympics’ ski events (NYT).
Learn more about the turn to beet juice and beer-based de-icers to reduce the harm of excess salt to the environment (AP News)
Host: Nate Hegyi
Reported, produced, and mixed by Felix Poon, Justine Paradis, and Marina Henke.
Edited by Taylor Quimby, Rebecca Lavoie, and Justine Paradis.
Our staff includes Kate Dario.
Executive producer: Taylor Quimby
Rebecca Lavoie is NHPR’s Director of On-Demand Audio
Music by Blue Dot Sessions, Jules Gaia, and Jharee.
Our theme music is by Breakmaster Cylinder.
Outside/In is a production of New Hampshire Public Radio
Submit a question to the “Outside/Inbox.” We answer queries about the natural world, climate change, sustainability, and human evolution. You can send a voice memo to or leave a message on our hotline, 1-844-GO-OTTER (844-466-8837).