As I detailed in a past episode, there’s a lot of misinformation and folklore when it comes to cast iron. This incredible cookware is a staple in my kitchen and it deserves a special place in yours as well. For anyone who has been intimidated by cast iron in the past, this episode will not only ease your fears, it’ll give you the confidence to use cast iron on a regular basis. I even explain how I cook scrambled eggs in cast iron! Tune in to find out how to start utilizing this amazing tool in y...
Dec 11, 2019•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Are you dreading the oncoming winter nights? For quite some time, winter really got me down. More than anything, I was bored. After spending almost all of my time outside in the spring and summer months, I felt sequestered to my house as the frosty months passed by. I’m happy to say this has drastically changed over the years. By picking up new hobbies, learning to appreciate the change in seasons, and generally getting outside my comfort zone, I’ve learned how to shake the cold-weather blues. •...
Dec 09, 2019•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Are you struggling to keep up with an increasingly busy schedule filled with 4-H, homeschooling, tending to the milk cows, and all of the other wonderful things that come with life on the homestead? I’m in the thick of it right now and let me tell you, it ain’t no joke ya’ll! Like most of you listening, I’ve always felt a certain way about freezer meals. My first association had always been bland, lifeless casseroles. As a proud homesteader, they always felt like cheating to some degree. It wasn...
Dec 06, 2019•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is what we all dream of, right? Of course our love of the homestead life is why we get involved in the first place, but the idea of actually making a living off the homestead (or even just a little extra money) can seem far-fetched. Today I’m not just here to explain why this is entirely possible, but I’m also providing 6 proven ways to start making money off your homestead. From selling animal products to creating homestead experiences and everything in between, I know one of these ideas a...
Dec 04, 2019•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Have you ever dreamed of publishing your own book? I can tell you from experience, it is one of the most challenging and rewarding processes you can ever undertake. On today’s episode, I’m drifting a bit from the traditional podcast. Come with me as we take a journey from initial idea to published book. We’ll talk literary agents, the difficult editing process, the computer crash that nearly broke me, and everything in between. Whether you're interested in writing a book or not, you'll...
Dec 02, 2019•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast The word 'cast iron’ exudes strength in-and-of itself. For some reason, the internet might have you believing these types of pans are delicate little flowers. No matter what you think at this point, I’m here to bust some common cast iron myths that will have you converting in no time flat. Listen today to learn how to properly season your pan, how to save rusty pans, and hear me bust the largest, most common myth when it comes to cast iron. • If you're ready to start your home dairy jo...
Nov 29, 2019•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast Milk is magic. It’s an incredibly versatile liquid that has the ability to morph into so many amazing things. Today I’m focusing on three of my all-time favorite milk recipes that will leave you coming back for more. Specifically I’m talking about yogurt, ricotta, and buttermilk. These three recipes are not only delicious, they’re also easy to make! Want to make these phenomenal recipes in your very own kitchen? Follow the link below to get a detailed guide on how to do just that! • If you'...
Nov 27, 2019•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast Time is by far our most valuable asset. While I love cooking delicious, healthy, and wholesome food, it can be an extremely time consuming task. I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve wasted in the kitchen on a daily basis Today I provide my favorite tips and tricks to save time every single week. Find out the staples that are always in my kitchen and on the shopping list, how to batch, and why it’s important to keep a list of easy-to-make meals on hand. If you’re spending too much time in the kit...
Nov 25, 2019•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Do you ever dream of the homestead life, but shutter at the thought of living so far away from town? I can’t even begin to count the number of people that’ve voiced this exact concern over the years. Don’t worry. I get it. The full-on homestead life isn’t necessarily for everyone. Don’t fret my friends, today I’m here to offer up ideas on how you can get a taste of the homestead life without ever leaving suburbia. On this episode I cover everything from gardening to keeping your own animals. Thi...
Nov 22, 2019•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast My Fool-Proof From-Scratch Thanksgiving Menu Are you tired of the same old processed foods you’ve been eating at Thanksgiving? I’m here today to show you why cooking Thanksgiving the homestead way is the absolute best way to go. On today’s episode I’ll explore my favorite way to cook a turkey, why mashed potatoes are the best, my ideal way to prepare cranberry sauce, and so much more. This episode will provide the blueprint for crafting the most incredible home-cooked Thanksgiving ever! • If you...
Nov 20, 2019•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast How to Cook the BEST Thanksgiving Turkey Yes my friends, it’s that wonderful time of the year. Thanksgiving is upon us and for most of us that means one thing: turkey. On today’s episode, I’m thrilled to share my favorite way of cooking a turkey. Brining offers the best combination of deep flavor and juiciness. Beyond brining, I’ll share some of my favorite turkey related stories. If you’re stressed out about the big day, fear not. This show will provide all the information you need to make cook...
Nov 18, 2019•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Have you ever used ancient grains in your cooking? If you’re new to the game, you’ll likely realize that using Einkorn flour produces a much different experience when it comes to cooking and baking. Today we’re going to explore the health benefits of using Einkorn and other ancient grains. We’re also going to dig into different uses and what to expect when you first go to use ancient grains in your cooking. Some highlights from the episode: Substitution guides for recipes A special gift from me ...
Nov 15, 2019•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast There is no shortage of information out there when it comes to homesteading. The unfortunate thing is that most of it is just fluff. Today I’m here to provide you a quick start guide so that you can get on the correct path on your journey. Learn why food is always the top priority on the homestead and how you can start weeding out poor choices immediately. Find out why the most important part of starting a homestead will always be taking action. • Check out my favorite source for pantry items at...
Nov 13, 2019•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you’ve followed me for any period of time, you’d certainly know my deep love for all things butter. It’s by far my favorite dairy-made product. Today you’ll learn the process of making your own butter at home and the incredible advantages it provides over store bought butter. To be honest, you’ll be shocked at how easy this really is to do. I hope this inspires you to start making butter of your own today! Some highlights from the episode: Equipment you’ll need to make butter A special gift f...
Nov 11, 2019•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast Home dairy is a bit of a status symbol in the homesteading community. However, there are three very big myths that prevent most homesteaders from even getting started. In today’s episode I expound on these myths as well as outlining many incredible uses for home dairy (hint: it’s not just milk). Some highlights from the episode: My foray into banned milk products My favorite home dairy products If you're ready to start your home dairy journey, head to
Nov 08, 2019•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast What’s it like to be a homesteading, homeschooling, entrepreneur, from-scratch-cooking, mom-of-three? I’ll be the first to admit, it can be exhausting. While I work to keep a set schedule, depending on the seasonal duties I have I need to keep things a little fluid. Fair warning, my schedule isn’t to be used as a template for everyone. I’m simply here to show you how I manage my busy life with the hope that you can take some bits and pieces to improve yours. Some highlights from the episode: Why...
Nov 06, 2019•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast When push comes to shove, I always prefer to let a broody hen hatch her eggs rather than getting chicks from the feed store. However, sometimes it’s just not that simple. If you’ve ever been curious about broody hens or have dealt with this yourself, this is the episode you’ve been waiting for. What I have for you today is a crash course on everything you need in order to successfully deal with a broody hen. Keep your pen and pad handy. This episode is full of useful gems. Some highlights from t...
Nov 04, 2019•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast As I sit here today, it’s very clear to look back and see how homeschooling gave me the tools needed to succeed. The disciplined instilled in me at young age allowed me to build the habits that let me excel in college and in business. It gave the me the freedom to explore passions that I never would’ve been able to if I attended public schools. To be very clear, I’m not saying homeschooling is the only way or that public schooling is bad. I’m here to relay my experiences and explain how homescho...
Nov 01, 2019•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast No, the title isn’t a mistake. After gaining a reputation online as “the milk cow” girl, once again we have milk goats. Why do we have milk goats again after all these years? Our daughter Mesa decided to use some of her fair money to buy two Paper Nigerian Dwarfs. Listen today to find out why I’m excited to once again have goats on the homestead and what we could be doing with them in the future. Some highlights from the episode: Uses for raw goat milk How these goats could become a 4-H project ...
Oct 30, 2019•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast 4-H played a pivotal role in my life growing up. Because of this, I have been counting downs the days until my daughter was able to start participating. Though I had experience of going through 4-H as a kid, it’s entirely different going through it as a parent. In today’s episode, I’m here to share the most valuable tips I learned from my first go-round as a 4-H parent. My goal with this episode is to prepare you and your family for success with 4-H. Some highlights from the episode: Why you sho...
Oct 28, 2019•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast Cooking with oils tend to be looked at as a no-no in the culinary world. However, with a little practice and some care, essentials oils have become a vital addition to my kitchen cabinet. Today we’re going to investigate how to asses any dangers with essential oils, the efficacy of cooking with them, and the incredible flavor benefits from good oils. Most important, you’ll learn how to separate the good oils from the bad so to ensure you’re putting quality oils in your food. Some highlights from...
Oct 25, 2019•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Have you ever wondered how you can eliminate sugar from your recipes replace it with 100% natural sweetener that’s actually good for you? This might seem like something made I just made up, but I promise you this is a real ingredient that you can start using immediately. Today I’m joined by homesteader, author, photographer, and maple syrup expert, the incomparable Michelle Visser. Michelle walks us through the incredible process of how to make syrup from beginning-to-end. She also digs deep int...
Oct 23, 2019•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast For many health conscious individuals out there, fat might as well be a four letter word. The sheer thought of using fat to cook might even send chills up your spine. Fear not my friends. Not only do the right fats add a ton of flavor, but many are even good for you. I did a ton of research while building my ideal homestead kitchen, and fat was the common ingredient tying the best recipes together. Listen today to find out all of my favorite fats and receive an incredible offer on my favorite ol...
Oct 21, 2019•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast Let’s face it. The modern kitchen isn’t built for the homestead lifestyle. Even after several renovations, my relatively small kitchen requires several key tools to create maximum functionality. If you’ve ever wondered the key items I simply can’t live without, well today is your day. From dutch ovens to wooden spoons and everything in between, load up on these simple tools to make your daily food preparation a breeze. Some highlights from the episode: Why cast iron is a must have Spoon Butter: ...
Oct 18, 2019•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast It’s no secret. Out of all the aspects of homesteading, the animals are the one thing I can’t live without. Today I’m going to walk you through everything you need to consider prior to adding your first animals to your homestead. You’ll learn where to buy, what to look out for before buying, why quality is always the best route, and so much more. Discover why bloodlines not only lead better animals, but also more dollars in your pocket. Even if you currently have animals on your homestead, this ...
Oct 16, 2019•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Without a doubt, by far the question I get asked the most is how I got started in homesteading. In reality, the better question to ask is why does homesteading even matter in the first place? In today’s episode, I take a deep dive into why homesteading serves such an important purpose in today’s ever increasing technological world. The truth is, no amount of convenience can replicate or replace the satisfaction that comes from homesteading. Some highlights from the episode: How soil can have ant...
Oct 14, 2019•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you’re on the verge of stepping into the homestead life, this episode is a must listen. Today I’m diving into the most important issues to consider before making an investment in a property. Find out why thinking small can leave you stuck, why climate considerations matter, and why overall lifestyle is important to keep at the front of mind. No matter if you’re purchasing your first homestead or if you’re on the lookout for an upgrade, you’ll find plenty of information to help you make a more...
Oct 11, 2019•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fermented foods can be a polarizing topic. For quite some time, they literally left a bad taste in my mouth. Have you ever experienced this yourself? It wasn’t until I ventured into the world of crocks that I finally cracked the fermentation code. No matter what side of the fermentation fence you sit on, today’s episode will provide a thorough guide to help you get started. Some highlights from the episode: Different kinds of fermentation tools Why food should stay below the brine How to properl...
Oct 09, 2019•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Winter is slowly creeping up on us, especially here in Wyoming. After our first frost last week, I knew it was time to start prepping for the season ahead. That being said, we don’t have to give in and close up shop at the first sign of winter. There are a number of different tactics we can utilize to squeeze the last bits of life from our gardens. In fact, the tips I’m outlining in today’s episode have the potential to extend the life of your garden by 6-8 weeks! Pretty incredible, right? Tune ...
Oct 07, 2019•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today I’m here to provide you a very organic, extremely affordable way to fertilize your soil, suppress weeds, increase organic matter, and prevent erosion. I know what you’re thinking-- This sounds way too good to be true! I’m happy to tell you, this is very, very real. On this special episode I’m joined by Parker from True Leaf Market, the non-GMO seed company that is literally a dream come true for homesteaders like you and I. I've ignored cover crops for YEARS because I had a hard time ...
Oct 04, 2019•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast