Are you struggling to keep up with an increasingly busy schedule filled with 4-H, homeschooling, tending to the milk cows, and all of the other wonderful things that come with life on the homestead? I’m in the thick of it right now and let me tell you, it ain’t no joke ya’ll! Like most of you listening, I’ve always felt a certain way about freezer meals. My first association had always been bland, lifeless casseroles. As a proud homesteader, they always felt like cheating to some degree. It wasn’t until I took a serious deep dive into into meal prep that I realized the power and convenience of well thought out freezer meals. On today’s episode, I explain how and why my mindset shifted around freezer meals. I also offer up my favorite tips and tricks to maximize flavor and make efficient use of your time. Let’s get cooking!
• Click here to check out my favorite way to plan and prep for freezer meals.
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