Today Jaye takes us through pretty much his entire relationship history and it is an exciting and beautiful ride!
After years of serial monogamy, Jaye and a friend(ish) started swinging together and his whole world began to open up. Shortly after finding the swinging lifestyle, Jaye met his (now) wife and then had to come out to her about swinging and being bisexual.
Jaye and his wife took a few years slowly getting into swinging while building a foundation together. Fast forward to today... Jaye has multiple partners, he and his wife are exploring a pretty fluid open relationship dynamic, and Jaye started a rock band that plays at lifestyle events he hosts in Florida!
Jaye brings so much love and positivity to our conversation today and to all of his work! You can learn more about Jaye's events and band over at his website Enjoy!
Check out the full show notes here.
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