What frameworks make decision-making easier? How can founders avoid fundraising mistakes? What's the difference between a great and a mediocre venture capitalist? Our today’s guest is Frank Chen, a partner at the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz (A16Z).
In this episode, Frank takes us through his journey, from becoming a "frameworks guy" to joining A16Z in 2009. He shares how the firm evolved and adapted to the competitive world of venture capital. Along the way, he shares personal habits that have shaped his success, lessons from colleagues, and insights on how technology will change our lives in the next 20 years.
The episode mixes professional advice with personal reflections, making it both informative and relatable.
Enjoy watching! Arman Suleimenov: https://www.instagram.com/armansu/
Frank Chen: https://www.instagram.com/withfries2/
Producer, Daniyar Akhmetzhanov: https://www.instagram.com/good.years/
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