Native Opinion Episode 163 UNDER THE COVER OF DARKNESS How To Reach Our Show: E-Mail: Twitter: @nativeopinion Facebook: Our Website: Our Youtube Channel: _______________________________________________________________ CALL OUR SHOW! Click or Tap to call: 860–800–5595 Listen LIVE every Saturday Morning, 9am Eastern Standard Time Through Our Website or via the SPREAKER APP SUBSCRIBE to our Podcast! Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, i-Heart Radio, Spotify Radio Public or wherever you get your favorite podcasts from… __________________________________________________________________ PLEASE help grow our show! Share us with your friends!. Tell folks you heard about something on Native Opinion, or give us a review in i-tunes or on Facebook! It truly does help our show get discovered! ________________________________________________________ EPISODE SUMMARY: We introduce a new weekly segment called “America…Examples of Racism” a feature which focuses on high profile examples of Racism across the United States. Native Stories in this weeks episode include: The Trump Administration anticipated lack of support for Border wall funding, and utilized the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to waive The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, (NAGPRA) and other laws to fund the border wall. How could that have been done without some kind of resistance? Republican Representative Tom Cole (Chickasaw Nation) is taking heat for not supporitng a resolution that rebukes President Donald Trump for declaring a national emergency along the U.S. border with Mexico, and Native Twitter was not happy… The top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, Rep. Bob Goodlatte of Virginia, who is retiring at the end of the year, refused to vote in support of Savannah’s act, a law that would have provided much needed support nation wide in providing resources to tribes and local law enforcement in processing Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women cases. One man stopped all of this… we dicuss… And finally, over 2000 Native American remains were found in the home of a Indiana man. Why are some American Archaeological enthusiests facinated with keeping the bones of our ancestors? Music featured in this episode is from Black Fire. Plus our Listener feedback & Voicemail The Native Opinon theme song “Honor The People” is by Casper Loma Da Wa. FIND THE SONG AND MORE OF HIS MUSIC HERE: ________________________________________________________ ARTICLES DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE. Coal plant owners, tribe at impasse over takeover of plant. The Trump Administration Is Waiving 25 Laws to Build a New Bit of ‘Wall’. DHS Issues Waiver to Expedite Border Construction Project in Hidalgo County, Texas. The “Rescinding DHS’ Waiver Authority for Border Wall Act” As Introduced by Representative Kathleen Rice (D-NY). Rep. Tom Cole complained about a one-page bill and #NativeTwitter roasted him for it. Native American remains among 2,000 bones found at Indiana home containing 42,000 artifacts. NATIVE AMERICAN WOMEN ARE DISAPPEARING. WHY IS NOTHING BEING DONE?. __________________________________________________ RESOURCES REGARIDNG COHEN TESTIMONY __________________________________________________ House Intel Will Call Trump Org Moneyman Allen Weisselberg To Testify. 1.) 18 U.S. Code § 208.Acts affecting a personal financial interest. 2.) 18 U.S. Code § 216.Penalties and injunctions. 3.) 18 U.S. Code § 202.Definitions. 4.) 18 U.S. Code § 203.Compensation to Members of Congress, officers, and others in matters affecting the Government. 5.) 18 U.S. Code § 205.Activities of officers and employees in claims against and other matters affecting the Government. 6.) 18 U.S. Code § 207.Restrictions on former officers, employees, and elected officials of the executive and legislative branches. 7.) Morgan Lewis Law Firm. Bio: Sheri A. Dillon, Partner. P ________________________________________________________ MAIN CONTENT SEGMENTS Native Sun News Today: Oyate Today television show reaches broader audience. Native Sun News Today: Campaign focuses on missing and murdered sisters. Retiring House Republican is holding up bill aimed at protecting Native American women. The Unlikely Success of Edmonia Lewis, a Black Sculptor in 19th-Century America. __________________________________________________ MUSIC PRESENTED IN THIS EPISODE ARTIST: Blackfire TRACK: NDN Alien BIO: BLACKFIRE is comprised of two brothers and their sister Jeneda, Clayson and Klee Benally. Born into the heart of a political land dispute area on Black Mesa in the Navajo Nation, this family’s powerful music reflects the Hopes, Freedoms, and Barriers of today’s world. BLACKFIRE’s style encompasses traditional Native American, Punk-Rock and “Alter-Native” music and bears strong socio-political messages regarding government oppression, relocation of indigenous people, eco-cide, genocide, domestic violence and human rights VISIT THIER WEBSITE. ________________________________________________________ Kutupitush! (Thank You!) for listening!
UNDER THE COVER OF DARKNESS | Native Opinion an American Indian Perspective podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast