During this time of lockdown, the centre for quantum software and information (QSI) at the University of Technology Sydney has launched an online seminar series. With talks once or twice a week from leading researchers in the field, meQuanics is supporting this series by mirroring the audio from each talk. I would encourage if you listen to this episode, to visit and subscribe to the UTS:QSI YouTube page to see each of these talks with the associated slides to help it make more sense.
Building a bigger Hilbert space for superconducting devices, one Bloch state at a time.
TITLE: A new kind of qubit SPEAKER: Prof Tom Stace
AFFILIATION: School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Queensland
HOSTED BY: A/Prof. Nathan Langford, UTS Centre for Quantum Software and Information
ABSTRACT: Noise and errors have been the bottlenecks for building robust quantum machines. I will describe a proposed new class of superconducting devices that has built-in error rejection. Fundamentally, the encoding that facilitates this intrinsic robustness comes from the recognition that the Bloch band structure of these systems leads to a much bigger Hilbert spaces than has been traditionally considered. The extra space affords new qubit encodings, which I describe in two different instantiations.
OTHER LINKS: Prof Tom Stace University Profile - researchers.uq.edu.au/researcher/1636