During this time of lockdown, the centre for quantum software and information (QSI) at the University of Technology Sydney has launched an online seminar series. With talks once or twice a week from leading researchers in the field, meQuanics is supporting this series by mirroring the audio from each talk. I would encourage if you listen to this episode, to visit and subscribe to the UTS:QSI YouTube page to see each of these talks with the associated slides to help it make more sense.
A scalable tomography for fermonic systems.
TITLE: A Scalable Fermion Measurement SPEAKER: Dr Chris Jackson
AFFILIATION: Center for Quantum Information and Control (CQulC), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM | UTS Centre for Quantum Software and Information, Sydney, Australia HOSTED BY: A/Prof. Chris Ferrie, UTS Centre for Quantum Software and Information
ABSTRACT: Fermion systems have a Hilbert space dimension that scales exponentially in the number of modes. Standard tomography thus says that to completely measure an unknown state would require the measurement of exponentially many observables. However, if the parity of a fermion state is known, then there exists a nonadaptive, tomographically complete continuous measurement which only requires the isotropic measurement of quadratically many observables. The effects of the corresponding POVM are the well known superconducting Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) coherent states. The BCS coherent states define a manifold which can be used as a phase space to represent fermion quantum information. In this talk, I will introduce the BCS-coherent state POVM, explain the isotropic measurement which implements it, and discuss the geometry of the corresponding phase space.
OTHER LINKS: Centre for Quantum Information & Control: https://cquic.unm.edu/