During this time of lockdown, the centre for quantum software and information (QSI) at the University of Technology Sydney has launched an online seminar series. With talks once or twice a week from leading researchers in the field, meQuanics is supporting this series by mirroring the audio from each talk. I would encourage if you listen to this episode, to visit and subscribe to the UTS:QSI YouTube page to see each of these talks with the associated slides to help it make more sense.
So you want to build a useful quantum computer… where to begin?!
TITLE: Building Google’s Quantum Computer
SPEAKER: Dr Marissa Giustina
AFFILIATION: Google AI Quantum, Google Research, CA, USA
HOSTED BY: A/Prof Nathan Langford, UTS Centre for Quantum Software and Information
ABSTRACT: The Google AI Quantum team develops chip-based circuitry that one can interact with (control and read out) and which behaves reliably according to a simple quantum model. Such quantum hardware holds promise as a platform for tackling problems intractable to classical computing hardware. While the demonstration of a universal, fault-tolerant, quantum computer remains a goal for the future, it has informed the design of a prototype with which we have recently controlled a quantum system of unprecedented scale. This talk introduces Google’s quantum computing effort from both hardware and quantum-information perspectives, including an overview of recent technological developments and some recent results.
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