This week, we’ve put together a very special episode for our podcast listeners! During most of our usual episodes, John teaches a lesson and Mark Cole and his co-host follow up with application meant to help you grow as a leader and multiply your influence.
The goal is to make you better so you can change your world.
That’s why, for this episode, we’ve pulled together five of John’s best teaching moments from our most popular podcast episodes. We are bringing you the VERY BEST of John Maxwell in this episode so you can absorb some of John’s greatest teaching points. This episode will help you, and you can multiply what you learn by downloading this episode’s Bonus Resource.
The BONUS resource for this episode is the Best Of John Maxwell Worksheet, which includes fill-in-the-blank notes from John’s teaching. You can download the worksheet by visiting and clicking “Download the Bonus Resource.”
Developing the Leader Within You 2.0 by John C. Maxwell
Leadershift by John C. Maxwell
How Successful People Think by John C. Maxwell