In part one of this series on Maximizing the Moment, John teaches five words that every leader must embrace right now to set ourselves up for success in the future. He demonstrates how crises will take leaders on detours, and he encourages leaders to take advantage of their new route. During detours, leaders experience many new things for the first time, exposing new opportunities to learn and lead.
During the discussion portion of this episode, Mark Cole is joined by Jason Brooks to discuss John’s points. They share the roles humility, adaptability, and generosity have played in their own lives and leadership.
Our BONUS resource for this series is the Maximizing the Moment Worksheet, which includes fill-in-the-blank notes from John’s teaching. You can download the worksheet by visiting and clicking “Download the Bonus Resource.”
Thinking for a Change by John C. Maxwell
Today Matters by John C. Maxwell
How Successful People Think by John C. Maxwell