This week we’re sharing part two of a series called “Choosing Significance.” In this second episode, John Maxwell walks through the five areas where we need to get beyond ourselves to experience significance. As John says, one is too small a number for greatness.
Mark Cole and Richard Chancy offer insights into how we as leaders can get and grow beyond ourselves. They offer advice on how to develop a purpose that sets us on a course to pursue something bigger than ourselves. Then they ask hard questions like how we get beyond the idea of “I deserve this.” John began this series with the idea that selfishness and significance are incompatible, and we end with the reminder that all leadership begins with giving, not getting.
Our BONUS resource for this series is the Choosing Significance Worksheet that includes fill-in-the-blank notes from John’s teaching. You can download the worksheet by visiting and clicking “Download the Bonus Resource.”
Leadershift by John C. Maxwell