Marc Groman, an internationally recognized expert in privacy and information risk management, advises senior leaders in both business and government on complex, data-driven initiatives. He helps clients implement global privacy programs, launch new products and services, conduct due diligence on potential partners, assess privacy risk, and respond to data security incidents. He teaches data breach response at Georgetown Law School, and is actively engaged in the policy debate on federal privacy legislation in the U.S.
Marc's expertise in privacy has deep roots: as Senior Advisor for Privacy in the White House, he had government-wide responsibility for privacy policy. He chaired the Federal Privacy Council established by President Barack Obama, and was the privacy lead on the President's Cybersecurity National Action Plan. Prior to his stint in the Obama Administration, Marc was President and CEO of the Network Advertising Initiative, the first Chief Privacy Officer of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, and Counsel to the Energy and Commerce Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Marc currently serves on the Privacy Advisory Panel of the National Security Agency, the Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and several other boards. He has received numerous awards and honors in the field of privacy, including the International Association of Privacy Professionals' 2017 Leadership Award. He is a graduate of Tufts University and Harvard Law School.
Now, Marc is sharing his expertise in a new format: Their Own Devices is a weekly podcast that tackles the diverse challenges MTV parents face raising YouTube kids. The podcast is available on all major platforms.
Connect with Marc:
Twitter: @marcgroman
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