Brad Lomenick is a strategic advisor and leadership consultant. He has written two books on the subject of leadership, The Catalyst Leader and, his latest book, H3 Leadership. Brad discusses the three big Hs that every leader needs in order to inspire and propel them to the next level. He also not only talks about why millennials are different but offers some compelling advice to anyone who is just beginning their career or journey.
Key Takeaways:
[0:35] Thank you to our sponsor Vancity Buzz.
[2:45] What was Brad's defining moment as a man?
[6:30] So many aspects of Brad's story have been built on the shoulders of other people who have helped him.
[6:40] What does Brad currently do?
[8:00] Brad wants to impact the next generation.
[9:10] Brad focuses on building strong leaders.
[12:40] What is the secret sauce to creating a movement?
[16:45] As soon as you're feeling big, you need to go back to the same thinking you had when you first started.
[17:15] How do you influence a millennial?
[18:55] Millennials believe they can change the world. They are incredibly positive.
[19:25] Millennials have such high expectations that reality can throw them off guard.
[20:00] Go find something right now, even if it's not your life calling, and go crush it.
[20:15] Be the best you can be with what you're doing today.
[22:45] Millennials are the generation with options.
[23:45] It doesn't matter how old you are now, it matters what you can do and what you know.
[24:30] Brad talks about his latest book, H3 Leadership.
[26:30] If you feel like you're a humble leader, then you're probably not.
[30:30] Every team knows their leader's flaws.
[31:20] You have to lead with your true self.
[32:20] Always stay hungry.
[34:55] Great leaders are often the most curious.
[37:25] What is hustle?
[40:45] You have to create a bit of margin in your life in order for you to hustle at the right times. [42:25] Generosity has to be part of your hustle.
[43:30] One of the most difficult lessons for leaders is to let go.
[44:40] Your job is to replace yourself.
[46:50] Brad talks about the young influencers list.
[48:45] Brad currently loves what Caitlin Crosby is doing.
[51:10] What legacy does Brad wish to leave behind?
Mentioned in This Episode:
The Catalyst Leader by Brad Lomenick
H3 Leadership by Brad Lomenick
Music Credit:
Parlange & Latenite Automatic ( –
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