Jambeaux, everyone!!! We are continuing our series of podcasts on our same feed called the Magic Our Way Field Reports. To remind the listener, these shows will not be a regular segment due to the fact that these are podcasts we record straight on location at a Disney park or Disney event. You can call it our "on location" podcasts. We grab the portable studio and record anything from a mini trip report or attraction audio or interviews.
On this particular show, we feature one of you, the listener. This is a new feature that we are starting with hopes that it will allow you to get more involved in talking all things Disney with us. This episode features Blayke and Emily and they discuss the things they experienced during their trip to Walt Disney World back in May 2014. They even go above and beyond the call of duty and plus their field report. Give the show a listen to see how. Thanks, Blayke and Emily!!!
As always, we promise to give the Disney fan a voice!
If you have ideas for shows that you want to hear in the future, any thoughts you would like to share, or questions for any of our guests, send us a message at magicourway@gmail.com. You can also leave us a quick voicemail from your computer or mobile device through our new program, Speakpipe. All you have to do is go to the website, http://www.speakpipe.com/magicourway, click the button, and record your brief message. Speakpipe will automatically send your voicemail to us via email. It is that easy…try it today!!!!
As always, if you like the show, please rate us and leave a review in the iTunes Store. We do appreciate you taking the time to do so. Also, you can find us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/magicourway) and follow us on Twitter (@magicourway). With Facebook and Twitter you will be able to find out when we are recording our show and ask us a question while we are recording. You may hear a shout out for you and your question being answered on that week's show. If you have any suggestions or comments for the show, please do not hesitate to contact us at magicourway@gmail.com. We will be sure to read your email on the air, unless you tell us not to. We do want to hear from our fans and we want you to be part of our discussion. Also, check out our slowly growing website at www.qmarkproductions.com and our soon to be website on www.magicourway.com. Also, you can now find us on Stitcher, Blackberry, Blubrry, and Double Twist for your listening convenience. Please leave us a rating and a review in whatever platform you download our show. We would just love you for it!
Magic out!!! Kwaherini!!!
Theme Music
Bad Ideas Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Voice Over
Farrar Hudkins (www.farrarhudkins.com)