Episode description
On this episode, we present the next installment of our Park It! series of armchair imagineering shows, Black Panther: Park It! The “Park It!” series of shows is where we take a property that has zero representation in the Disney Parks and come up with a vision of how to introduce it into the parks.
This week, you, the listener, are playing the role as the Walt Disney Company Board. Once you hear the pitches from the four finalists you will get a chance to vote on the attractions you would like to see in Wakanda: The World of Black Panther.
Check our social media to vote. Voting concludes at 11:59pm Central Time on Tuesday, July 24, 2018.
What did you think of our concepts? What are your creations for this land? Any comments? We would love to hear your thoughts. Share them at show@magicourway.com. Your opinions are always welcome on our show. Seriously, every opinion is welcome.