Have you thought about where your ideas and beliefs about parenting come from?
Have you considered that the relationships we have with others is primarily a nervous system experience?
In this conversation, I talk to Erica who is a conscious parenting coach. She explains the road she takes to get here, including the anxiety and reactivity that were part of parenting her first born. I imagine many of us can relate to the nervousness and worry that comes with parenting our first child. And while we do not want it to be that way, we get stuck in patterns and unconscious behaviors.
Erica’s "aha" moment came when she found Dr. Shefali’s work on conscious parenting and heard her say, “Parenting is not about raising our children, its about raising ourselves.”
Ultimately, that is the goal of Erica’s work…to help parents connect to their own stories and then build relationships with their children through healing, trust, and harmony.
Where to find Erica:
Instagram: @erica_kesilman and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ericakesilman
Find more of Missy's writings and offerings @letemgobarefoot and www.letemgobarefoot.com. You can purchase our ebook, Life Unschooled: A Guide to Living and Learning Without School.