Dr. Robyn Koslowitz is a licensed school psychologist and clinical psychologist. She is also an author, writting the book she needed as a mom, (due to be out in 2025).
As someone who suffered from childhood trauma and PTSD, she knew that her panic attacks and flashbacks would impact her ability to parent her son. So, she set out to understand only to find that the research was limited. Fast forward 26 years and she has created a community to support parents, a YouTube channel, a podcast, and is the educational director of the Targeted Parenting Institute.
You won’t regret setting aside an hour of your time to listen to her wonderful insights and wisdom about mental health, self-care, parenting, relationships, and understanding how our nervous system works.
Much of what she shares can be applied today!
Here are some of the questions we address and ideas we discuss:
As always, I’d love to hear what resonated. Please share your aha moments with us.
People/Things mentioned in the podcast:
Where to find more of Dr. Koslowitz:
Website: https://www.drrobynkoslowitz.com/about/
Instagram: @dr.koslowitzpsychology
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drkoslowitzpyschology
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@posttraumaticparenting
How to stay in touch with Missy:
Instagram: @letemgobarefoot
Facebook: @letemgobarefoot
Website: www.letemgobarefoot.com
eBook: Life Unschooled: A Guide to Living and Learning Without School
Substack: https://letemgobarefoot.substack.com/