Erin wears many hats and brings so much wisdom and reflection to the conversation!
As the mother of four, veteran unschooling mom who is also employed outside of the home, writer and podcast host, we discuss what life looks like as an unschooling family in the older years.
We address societal pressure to conform even when our kids become young adults and we talk about how community isn't necessarily an option, but in many ways an absolute need.
We talk about how our kids change and grow and how it's important for us to stay flexible through their development. We discuss how mentors and work can be great for our teens and young adults and why some unschooling kids want to pursure academics and the standard schooling model when they get older.
If you have a teen or young adult or will soon, this is a wonderful conversation. I think will give you comfort, things to think about, and ideas to consider as you navigate this part of your parenting journey.
How to stay in touch with Erin:
Instagram: @_everlearning_
Podcast: Virtual Kitchen Table
How to stay in touch with Missy:
Instagram: @letemgobarefoot
Facebook: @letemgobarefoot
eBook: Life Unschooled: A Guide to Living and Learning Without School