Karla Marie Williams is an author, speaker, and global advocate of children and families. She is also an unschooling mother of six. I invited her back on the podcast to dive deeper into a conversation around academics in unschooling, supporting the unique needs of our teens, freedom in the teen years, and launching them into the world. (You can listen to her family’s journey into unschooling and her inspiration for writing Teens Unleashed in episode 14.)
Karla brings a joyful spirit to our discussion. Her love for mothering and supporting her teens is undeniable. The great, real-life examples she shares about the power of conversation, planning, listening, and resourcing our teens, even on a budget, allows us to see unschooling in practice.
We address the concerns that unschooling might not be “intellectual”, walk through ways to guide each of kid as they develop their skills, talents, and goals, and discuss the important roles we play as parents, including when to get out of the way. If you have teens or will, don’t miss this one!
Learn more about Karla’s books and work here:
and on social media @simplykarlamarie
To find more of my writing and musings, visit @letemgobarefoot on social media and my website: www.letemgobarefoot.com
You can now download the ebook I co-wrote with a fellow unschooling mom, Life Unschooled: A Guide to Living and Learning Without School