Marta Obiols Llistar is a trained teacher who believed in the school system. She didn’t think she would homeschool her children, but the school system “broke her heart”. In this episode we discuss the how and why of her transition to homeschooling with her three children and talk about her very first book, 18: An Unschooling Experience. Marta never thought she would write a book, but the experience of her oldest son turning 18 created a lot of emotions and she had a gut feeling she needed to put her experiences into words so that she could help other parents.
We talk about why she kept unschooling a secret for a little while from her husband, the way her three children pursued their interests and how she supported them on their unique journeys, and how Marta learned to trust the process and to respect her children’s choices and decisions, and how to get out of their way.
We dig into the variety of emotions that come up as homeschooling parents and we discuss what it has meant for her to live in the U.S. and raise her kids here although her heart is in Spain. We touch on the amazing experiences her children had in her home country when they spent five months there.
We also talk about “being in bed” with John Holt (HA!) and how his books changed her life.
Marta is passionate, deep, and an absolute pleasure to talk to. She has finished her second book which is available now: A Successful Education: How to tailor an education to fit your unique child’s needs.
I know you will enjoy this conversation as much as I did!
Find more Marta:
on Instagram @unschoolingstory18
on Tiktok @unschoolingstory18
Connect with Missy on Instagram: @letemgobarefoot
on Substack:
and download "Life Unschooled: Living and Learning without School"