Pam Laricchia joins me for episode 25.
Pam is a mom to three grown children and has been immersed in the unschooling world for over 20 years. She has written multiple books about learning and living with children. I find her joyful, curious, and open way of living alongside kids, in partnership and connection, to be comforting and inspiring.
In this episode, we focus on her beautiful book, The Unschooling Journey: A Field Guide (2018) and how the idea to mirror Joseph Campbell’s Hero with a Thousand Faces came to be.
We dig into various sections of the journey, such as answering the call to adventure, what it means to be in the “belly of the whale”, accessing “beginner’s mind”, challenging our own beliefs, accepting the value of all experiences, as well as embracing our challenges as integral to the journey, not as a sign that we must stop pursuing adventure or jump off the path altogether.
Come walk with us as we explore unschooling through the lens of the hero's journey.
Connect with Pam:
Instagram @pamlaricchia and @livingjoyfullypodcast
Book: The Unschooling Journey: A Field Guide
Connect with Missy:
Instagram @letemgobarefoot
On Substack: and now you can purchase our ebook, Life Unschooled.
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