Welcome to episode 24 of the Let 'em go Barefoot podcast. My guest today is Hannah Frankman. Hannah is an insightful, self-directed entrepreneur, and the creator of Rebel Educator, an online resource hub with a mission to transform education.
In this episode she walks us through her journey as a studious homeschooled kid, the reasons she decided to skip college, and the choices she made to seek meaningful work and projects that align with her values and goals.
We talk about her work at Praxis, how Rebel Educator came to be, and her Twitter account where she shares everything from lists of books for parents and kids to read, to reasons why parents should consider homeschooling, to top skills kids need for life.
I also ask her some questions that a few of my Instagram followers had for her.
Hannah is determined to empower parents and to help them find better educational options for their children. As stated on her site, RebelEducator.co:
“Your child was built to learn, explore, and create. Our goal is to help unlock that potential.”
Find more Hannah:
Things mentioned in the show:
https://www.learnoutloud.com/Resources/Publishers-and-Retailers/Modern-Scholar/80 https://www.thegreatcourses.com/Find more Missy:
Facebook or Instagram (where I spend most of my time these days) @letemgobarefoot
Substack https://letemgobarefoot.substack.com/ and now you can purchase our ebook, Life Unschooled.