In episode 23 of the podcast, I talk to Christina and Nick Caster, the creators of the live-action, fully-handcrafted, preschool TV show, Gus Plus Us. The Casters are also the creators of the full- service entertainment studio, Caster Studios that resides outside of Austin, Texas.
Nick and Christina discuss how the show came to be, the intention behind it, the time and thoughtfulness that went into making the show and how it really is a full family effort.
We discuss the other projects the studio is working on, how the studio has changed and grown since it started in 2007, their decision to homeschool their two children including the books and people who inspired them, and so much more. Stay tuned for Season 2! In the meantime, enjoy the 13 episodes that are already available.
Keep up with Nick and Christina over on Instagram:
You can learn more about their studio here:
And find the show, Gus Plus Us, here:
And on KidoodleTv here:
Follow Let ‘em go Barefoot on Instagram @letemgobarefoot and join me live over on The Barefoot Playground where we turn theory into practice and connect with one another as we create joyful, supportive learning environments for our kids.
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and now you can purchase our ebook, Life Unschooled.