The new book "Design Thinking for Training and Development" offers a primer on design thinking, a human-centered process and problem-solving methodology that focuses on involving users of a solution in its design. For effective design thinking, talent development professionals need to go beyond the UX, the user experience, and incorporate the LX, the learner experience.
The author Sharon Boller joins us for a conversation on learner experience design and shares some practical case studies that have successfully implemented an LX strategy.
"I joined TiER1 Performance in 2019 after selling Bottom-Line Performance to them. BLP was incorporated by my husband and me in 1999. Our focus was on “the right learning solution,” and we grew the company to a $4M+ company over the span of 20 years. In 2019, in a desire to expand both capabilities and capacity, we joined forces with TiER1, whose focus is “strategy activation through people.” In addition to L&D solutions, they focus more broadly on talent development, change management, strategic communications, and mergers and acquisitions." - Sharon Boller
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Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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