Charging On: Jeff Lantis, '86
Director of Athletic Development
Jeff Lantis, ’86, first came to Hillsdale College as a wide receiver recruit on the football team. After an All-American career on the field, he spent more than 25 years in Hillsdale’s Admissions Office, helping the College recruit future Chargers. He is now back in athletics, currently serving the College as the director of athletic development. After more than 35 years with the College, we find out what makes Jeff Lantis want to “Charge On! Charge On!”
Informative. Inspirational. Uplifting. Those are the goals of the White and Blue podcast. We are here to tell the interesting stories of Hillsdale College alumni, who number more than 15,000 strong. Our guests will share about their time and experiences while on campus, and also the impact they have had on the world since graduating. What makes the Hillsdale College graduate unique? We will explore that question and more, including how alumni have impacted the past, present, and future of the College. Won’t you join us?
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