The #1 habit that great leaders focus on
Skills always comes second to character.
Skills always comes second to character.
Read to improve don’t just read to entertain yourself.
Great things take time. Success never comes out of microwaves.
No purpose and your habits will not be game changers. You have to have a purposeful mission, goals that make you stretch and habits that force you to show up.
Are you just talking or are you doing? Doers make moves!
The morning routine is often the obsession but people forget that we need a night routine as well. The night routine makes sure that you end the day with a bang!
Before you can master the advanced stuff you gotta get the basics. You can’t get the basics though if you do not show up.
The environment you are in and who you are around make a much bigger impact on your habits than many realize.
Building new habits does not need to be as hard as we make it.
The last episode we also talked about this so the episode is more of a part 2. Identity is strongly connected to the habits you succeed and fail to keep.
To change a habit for the long run there is one big thing that must be done. Most people miss this and in a week or two they go back to who they used to be.
The small things we do over a long period of time are what really decide our lives.
Developing the habit of preparing for each day the night before can be a game changer for you. When you wake up each morning you already know what needs to be done.
Self confidence is the key to accomplishing big goals. A lot of people miss the way you built it up though.
Are you still coming. Up with excuses why you are not where you should be? Hold yourself to a higher standard and do what you are supposed to do in order to succeed.
Your phone can be the best tool and aid for your life if you allow it to be. Otherwise it can be the biggest distraction and impede you from reaching your goals.
A big part of a morning routine is getting started with the same thing but your first fruits should not be wasted on just anything.
Rest is not enough for every situation. Sometimes to get the most benefits you need to rest in place that is not familiar.
The goals lay the foundation for what you want with your life. The habits make sure that you are doing what you need to on a daily basis.
Success never goes on discount, if never comes easy or quickly. Success is a grind and it takes time and patience.
Do you find yourself setting massive goals that you get no where close to achieving? The way to fight this is to set smaller goals supported by tiny habits. Go for the daily small wins.
We often brag about what we are doing when we should be bragging about what we are not doing. Saying no creates focus and focus is what creates value.
What is your One Thing? How are you building habits that support it?
Learning is not just about topic specific information or learning the obvious. Sometimes it’s the random things we choose to learn that set us apart and help us the most.
You want to build a habit around activities that help you to learn about you and journaling is a great way to do that.
You have to build habits about around your reading that work best for how you learn best
When you are just not motivated to work... that when you need to work the most. That is when you need to show up and give the world your all. There is a way to fight low motivation but it is not sexy.
Millennials have learned to block all feedback and criticism in the name of calling people haters. But all feedback should be accepted because it’s an opportunity to get better.
The greats get it done no matter how they feel. People with excuses never can be great because they find an excuse instead of a way.
The armed forces make their beds each morning but why? Does it really matter? Who knew such a simple task had so much power.