I am in Lockdown in Melbourne. In contrast, Gerda is likely to see an influx of tourists in her neck of the woods in Queensland as borders there have reopened. We could not be in more contrasting circumstances if we tried at the moment!
So, today Gerda and I talk about how businesses can learn from the experiences of those of us in Melbourne who are in Lockdown 2.0, because at the very least, Melbourne is showing us that further lockdowns are a very real possibility for all of us.
It's important to stay consistently visible, it's important to implement creative strategies to remain viable, and it's important to not assume this pandemic is going to be gone any time soon.
Think of the clever ways you implemented your services during Lockdown 1.0, and then consider how you can ensure these elements of your business remain a permanent part of your suite of services.
This will help protect you in the event of your own Lockdown 2.0, Lockdown 3.0 and beyond. And if there are no further lockdowns (fingers crossed!) - bonus!
Stay well, stay safe, and stay supportive of one another.
Tess x
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