You know that to-do list you’ve got? You know the one? That one that never seems to get completed? It’s like being stuck in a hamster wheel, right? Endless. Monotonous. Not loving it!
More than financial stress (which is occasional), more than staffing stress (which is situational), the never-ending monotony of your never-ending list of never-finished tasks is what gets you the most stressed, even if you don’t realize it.
Because it’s death by a thousand cuts.
Because it’s like suffocating.
Because it’s like drowning.
Or being trapped.
So how do we fix this?
Before I answer that, let me ask you this: How often have you taken time out to appreciate all that you do?
And this: When did you last get real with how you spend your time?
Or this: When did you last fully appreciate all that you sacrifice, achieve, and risk on a DAILY basis?
I thought so. So here’s what I want you to do …
Spend the next week documenting at regular intervals throughout the day how you are spending your time. Image you’re a lawyer charging by the 15-minute increment and document what you’re working on.
Because this is exactly how you are going to catch all the STUFF that gets in your way. All the NOISE that distracts you from completing your important to-do list tasks. All the OTHER PEOPLE’S EMERGENCIES that derail your best intentions.
Not to mention all that time on social media, right? … *cough cough* … Do this so that you can fully UNDERSTAND how you’re spending your time. Do it so you can fully APPRECIATE all that you DO manage to achieve.
Do it so you can IDENTIFY all the STUFF you need to DELEGATE (ffs!).
I don’t want you to burnout, trapped forever in the hamster wheel.
I want you to appreciate your achievement and your time more.
And I want you to feel empowered to pull rank on the things that interfere with your progress, causing you undue stress.
Meanwhile, leave the hamster wheels to the professionals!
Much love, Tess x
p.p.s. You’re welcome to download my latest free resource, How to Slay Your Own Bullshit! Here’s the link:…