YOU WOULDN’T STAND IN THE RAIN EXPECTING NOT TO GET WET … and yet you go into business ownership expecting smooth sailing!
It is not a statement on YOU if you hit rough patches in your business.
It is not a statement on YOU if you have unexpected staffing changes.
It is not a statement on YOU if economic forces necessitate a change in direction for your business.
It is not a statement on YOU if you can’t find the perfect new recruit.
It is not a statement on YOU if you experience ups and downs and sudden sideways twists in your business.
It is the very nature of BUSINESS that these things happen.
The ups. The downs. The floods. The droughts. The sideways lurches.
This is what you signed up for. Sorry to break it to you.
But it is not a statement on YOU.
HOWEVER, it absolutely is on you if you don’t learn and grow from these experiences in your business.
If you don’t generate multiple revenue streams, instead of all your eggs in one basket …
If you don’t recruit creatively and broadly to meet the needs of your community …
If you don’t upsize when appropriate …
If you don’t downsize when appropriate …
If you don’t seek support from peers and mentors …
If you choose to stay isolated, expecting yourself to have all the answers all the time … expecting yourself to magically stand in the rain and not get wet …
That, well yeah, that’s on you.
So, stop giving yourself such a hard time getting wet in the rain. It doesn’t make you a bad business owner. It makes you experienced.
And you can always get an umbrella if you need one!
Much love, Tess x
p.s. ONLY THREE SPOTS REMAIN … If you need to challenge your psychological barriers to business success, don’t forget my 12-month intensive mentoring program, Like A Boss 2.0, is still open for registrations. But don’t wait too long alone in the rain, there are only three places left! Send me a message if you’d like to learn more. Or jump onto my website to check it out: