Episode description
Business is a roller coaster, not a merry go round .
Here’s the lesson from today’s book chapter-writing exercise:
You must think ahead, even in times of change. You must have some sort of vision for the future. You must accept that business is full of ups and downs.
When you accept these things, and step into a CEO-style way of thinking, instead of being frustratingly stuck in daily operations, you’ll embrace the opportunity for innovation that has inspired so many creative small business owners during this time of Covid19.
Challenge your own assumptions about how your business can function. Look outside your industry for inspiration. Celebrate ingenuity.
And above all, #SupportSmallBusiness
Much love, Tess x
p.s. I’d love you to join my Better Access & Beyond: Private Practice Essentials. For a $97 registration fee and just $5 a month ongoing subscription, I provide training, support, and resources for private practitioners. Here’s the link for more information: https://bit.ly/BeyondBetterAccess
p.p.s. If you’re a business owner (even if you’re a solopreneur!), you’re a CEO. Here are my three keys to building your influence as a CEO within your business, outside your business, and within the broader market. It’s called CEO Creator: https://bit.ly/CEOCreator
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