It takes courage to do what you do.
Being a business owner means living with risk. Risking your finances, risking your time with family, risking criticism and judgement.
So why do we do it? Sometimes it’s passion, sometimes it’s “genetic”, sometimes it’s the thrill of the ride.
Underneath it all, it’s because we believe in our mission (even if we can’t always articulate that well).
And just as it takes courage to BE in business, it takes guts to STAY in business during tough times.
So here’s to all of the business owners doing it tough, being brave enough to innovate, and putting it all on the line to keep going.
I’m your biggest fan!
p.s. I’d love you to join my Better Access & Beyond: Private Practice Essentials. For a $97 registration fee and just $5 a month ongoing subscription, I provide training, support, and resources for private practitioners. Here’s the link for more information:
p.p.s. If you’re a business owner (even if you’re a solopreneur!), you’re a CEO. Here are my three keys to building your influence as a CEO within your business, outside your business, and within the broader market. It’s called CEO Creator: