YES, YOUR YEAR 12 WILL BE DIFFERENT to what you planned. But that doesn’t mean your life will be worse.
(And why your parents shouldn’t worry as much about your results.) 🔥
I finished Year 12 with NO PRE-TERTIARIES. Not only that, my final report card listed subjects I didn’t even study! Did I die? No. No matter what happens this year, your Year 12 results won’t define who you are. They won’t dictate what you do with your life.
There were many reasons why I didn’t complete any pre-tertiary subjects in Year 12, but mostly - just like you - it was down to an intensely stressful year impacting my ability to concentrate and stay focussed. S
o I chose to just finish Year 12 doing the subjects that brought me joy - English literature and fine art.
My journey towards becoming a clinical and forensic psychologist wasn’t a straight line. Neither is life.
I did AMAZING things before becoming a psychologist. Things I wouldn’t have done if I’d just followed the Year 12-to-university path I’d assumed I would take.
So, if your Year 12 doesn’t pan out the way you’d planned, it won’t be “the end of life as you know it”. It will be the beginning of your next grand adventure!
So as you embark upon this next phase of your Year 12, remember it is just that: YOURS. Make of it what you want. Study hard by all means, if that brings you joy. Focus on the subjects you love, if that brings you joy. Do whatever you can to minimise your stress levels.
And please. Try not to get too far ahead of yourself.
One step at a time, my loves! Remember, we’re all walking alongside you.
AND DEFINITELY point your parents towards this post if it will help ease their minds too. They’re probably just as worried as you are.
Maybe more so.
Much love, Tess x
p.s. I’d love you to join my Better Access & Beyond: Private Practice Essentials. For a $97 registration fee and just $5 a month ongoing subscription, I provide training, support, and resources for private practitioners. Here’s the link for more information:
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