Me too.
It’s okay. There’s a damn good reason why …
You survived the pressure to review not just your 2019, but your entire past decade.
You survived the pressure to create your biggest ever goals for 2020.
You’ve tried to have a proper rest. And now you feel the pressure to return to work feeling rested, recharged, and ready for action. (GUILTY of contributing to that pressure!) So today I’m taking a bit of a sidestep to remind you that post-holiday-fatigue is a thing.
Well, maybe not an actual diagnosable thing, but a thing nonetheless.
And for Australians, this summer has heaped on a double dose.
Bushfires are still raging in various parts of Australia (with rain forecast for the fire grounds, please let’s hope it helps not hinders). There is consistent media coverage of the devastation of homes, communities, land, livelihoods, and wildlife populations.
We all feel frustration at not being able to do anything practical to help (well we can, but it might not feel practical to you … for example donating cash and donating blood are both very helpful and practical forms of assistance). And then there’s the “donation dilemma” with so many worthy organisations to support. Those not in fire zones may be struggling with air quality too.
Many Australians feel exhausted, whether in a fire zone or not. It has been and still is extremely draining. Not to mention traumatic.
So, if you are in a fire zone keep an eye on your mental health, and the mental health of your mates. Help is available. If you’re not in a fire zone, just take a minute to acknowledge how emotionally challenging this summer has been and be gentle on yourself if you’re finding it a struggle. Help is available for you too.
Take care of yourself. And if you need to plan a proper break when the fire emergency has settled down, pop it into your diary. Then perhaps you can support some of our affected communities with your tourist dollars.
Much love,
Tess x
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