I’m heading to my team Christmas function ... which got me thinking about gratitude ... which got me thinking about why I’m offering program bundles in the lead up to Christmas.
p.s. I’ve got some PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIAL OFFERS for you!
1. Supersonic Mentoring Bundle (MidWinter Retreat + No Quarter + Firestarters) $7,700 value for only $6,000 - http://www.tesscrawleyglobal.com/xmas2019
2. Intensive Mentoring Bundle (No Quarter + Firestarters) $4,400 value for only $3,500 - http://www.tesscrawleyglobal.com/2019IntensiveBundle
3. 6-Pack Individual Mentoring Bundle, $1,980 value for only $1,500 - http://www.tesscrawleyglobal.com/6PackBundle
4. Better Access training $97 - http://bit.ly/2UYIihu
5. How to Slay Your Own Bullshit! FREE: http://www.tesscrawleyglobal.com/bsslayer
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