The issue of fees has been a real theme this week.
What to charge?
How and whether to increase fees? What does it mean to “charge my worth”?
The key factor to remember is that you owe it to your team, your clients, and of course yourself, to maintain your business’ ability to survive. Most businesses don’t.
Don’t get excited by being the “next big thing”. That won’t pay your bills.
Don’t buy into the guilt around being of “service” rather than profitable. You’re neither a charity nor a hobbyist.
Don’t listen to the fear of criticism from others because you dare to run your business like a business. Are those “others” going to pay your bills for you if you have a revenue shortfall?
It is on YOU to charge enough.
It is on YOU to help your team understand your fee structure.
It is on YOU to prove your value to your community.
And none of that means being the cheapest on the block, or going broke trying to be.
Show some respect for your business’ survival needs and charge according to reality, not fear.
Much love,
Tess x