LA-based Texan, Amberly Lago, is an amazing woman. She is a former professional dancer and athlete, and the survivor of a significant motorbike accident that saw her almost lose her leg. It has taken dedication and strength to recover from serious injury and live with chronic pain, but Amberly's sheer generosity of spirit has also led to a daily gratitude practice and a career as a motivational speaker. The title of her book "True Grit and Grace" pretty much sums her up.
I consider Amberly, to be a friend, and I hope this conversation for both of our podcasts will be the first of many. Here we talk about the realities of business ownership and keeping it real on social media, living with gratitude, and a host of other things.
If you'd like to know more about Amberly, you'll find her on Instagram @amberlylagomotivation or via her website (make sure you download her daily gratitude journal).
p.s. If you’re struggling with self-doubt, you’re welcome to download my latest free resource, How to Slay Your Own Bullshit!
Here’s the link:
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