I’ve got a question for you: Who’s business are you actually minding?
If you are overly focussed on what others are doing, you can’t possibly have enough attention for what is going on right in front of your face ... i.e., in your own business.
It is fine to keep an eye on the market.
It is fine to keep an eye on current trends.
It is absolutely fine to make sure you stay current and relevant.
But really? Is that what you’re doing?
Or are you just being a nosy parker? Or a gossip? Or jealous? Or judgmental?
I ask you this because it is something I have wrestled with from time to time.
So these days I try to remember to ask myself ... Tess, (I said love, I said pet), what is your motivation here?
I love a good chat as much as the next person. But I know when I’m not acting within my values (Dignity First, Last, and Always), so if I catch myself being a Mrs Sharples (google it if you’re not as old as me!) I back off and give myself a reminder of where my focus (and my nose) should be.
In my own business.
Besides, it’s not funny and it’s not clever ... I’ve been the subject of gossipy scrutiny many times. Just remember, after a while it because obvious to a seasoned business owner when someone is sniffing around pretending to pose a genuine enquiry. And as with most things, it says more about the nosy parker than it does about the subject parkee.
So let’s all promise ourselves this one thing.
We will not descend to the level of the gutter sniping nosy parkers of this world.
We will not let our eye drift from the ball in favour of shiny gossip.
We will not reduce our values for the sake of a cheap snipe at others.
We are not perfect. I’m certainly not, and I’m the first to admit it. But we will try.
And in the trying, we will rise above.
Much love to you my perfectly imperfect friend,
Tess x
p.s. If you’d like my support to create the kind of confidence and focus you need to reach new heights, check out the mentoring options on my website - www.tesscrawley.com.au
p.p.s. You’re welcome to download my latest free resource, How to Slay Your Own Bullshit!
Here’s the link: http://www.tesscrawleyglobal.com/bsslayer