Do you find yourself posting to social media wondering “Is anyone even out there??”
On a logical level, you know it doesn’t really matter how many followers or views or likes your posts get, right?
You know who it matters to?
One person.
Well, okay two.
Most importantly it matters to the ONE person today who identified with your message. The ONE person who no longer felt alone in their experience. The ONE person you helped today.
And they might not even let you know.
They might be lurking shyly in the background, absorbing everything you post. Or they might have stumbled across your content for the first time. It doesn’t matter.
And that brings me to the second person who matters in this equation.
If you’re passionate about your message, if you’re proud of the content you produce (give or take a healthy dose of imperfect action), if you stand by your content ... then you can stand proud my friend.
Stay consistent. Stay authentic. Keep putting your message out there.
Building an audience takes time. But it’s worth it to build your tribe of loyal followers (whether you know they’re there or not!).
Much love,
Tess x
p.s. If you’d like my support to create the kind of confidence and focus you need to reach new heights, check out the mentoring options on my website -
p.p.s. You’re welcome to download my latest free resource, How to Slay Your Own Bullshit!
Here’s the link:
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