Do these three things if you want to overcome overwhelm in your business.
🔥STOP holding everything so close to your chest
🔥You need to trust that others will do the job. They may not do it the SAME way as you, or as completely as you, or as quickly as you. But who knows, they may just do it BETTER than you, or they might innovate in a a way you’d never thought of. But it doesn’t matter. You can’t do ALL the things AND survive in the long term. Free up some time by delegating. And then TRUST. (You can always teach and then expand upon that teaching by correcting or shaping later.)
💥TAKE CHARGE of your diary
💥Effect a “static diary” approach to your schedule … Block out certain times of your week/day for certain activities. For me, Mondays are my CEO day where I meet with my team and plan ahead for my business. Tuesdays are Mentoring day where I meet with my mentoring clients. Wednesdays are my Clinic day where I provide therapy to my clinic clients … you get the idea. I also portion certain parts of my day for certain things - I get up early for a walk and early meetings with people in the US, etc - Late afternoons are for live-streamed videos - and so on.
💥 Make sure you are allocating “untouchable time” to allow yourself the freedom to think, plan, and strategise for your business without all the day-to-day interruptions. Spend an hour in a cafe with your phone turned off and just scribble down ideas and plans, and then map them out. You can’t explore these thoughts with constant interruptions from team members, phone calls, and email notifications!
💥 Quarantine time each week for family and time for yourself (you deserve it!)
🚀 USE TECHNOLOGY to your advantage.
🚀 There are so many ways you can use technology to your advantage to help reduce the nagging interruptions to your day, the persistent pinging of notifications, and to increase your capacity to concentrate.
🚀 Remove your email app from your phone, and make email a dedicated part of your static diary. A job to be done only on your laptop at certain times of day. If you have a PA, have them be the first filter that your email inbox has to pass through.
🚀 Use the Focus app (or a similar Pomodoro-style app) that helps you stay focussed on a particular task for a set period of time before taking a designated break. This helps you (a) stay focussed and (b) promotes self-care by ensuring regular mini breaks and longer breaks. You know how you work most efficiently close to a deadline? This kind of app gives you that same time-pressure focus to stay on task one block at a time.
🚀 Use a voice-messaging app like Voxer to allow free-flowing communication with key members of your team - avoiding inbox clutter and speeding up solution-focussed communication.
Prioritise the things that lighten your load so that you can focus on what is strategic and what energises you. You’ll be better for it and so will your business.
Much love, Tess x